Will we be able to Mutate former Mutation Magics in AO?

They exist as magics, but no longer mutations

They are still mutations

They’re still magics. They’re not mutations if you don’t have to mutate to get them.

Still mutations :sunglasses:

Except they’re not :sunglasses:

in practice yeah they are mutations and if you were for some stupid reason to mutate your fire magic to plasma you could theoretically mutate and get plasma still.

but it might’ve phased out to the point mutating isn’t just possible with them anymore aaa

The word mutate means “change in form and nature” and it change :sunglasses:
Human were once apes, so we can say we mutated from ape to human, which is why elove is a synonyms. We are a mutation of ape kind of :man_shrugging:

Yeah, so all of them are mutations. As is every trait in humans. And in every animal. And in every living creature alive today.

How is this relevant beyond mutation as a concept? We’re applying it to magics specifically, so your qualifier is so broad that it’s completely meaningless.

because fire kinda “evolved” too plasma.

Ya, and Fire “evolved” as a magic trait in humans.

As it applies to magic, mutating would mean changing one magic directly into another. In its application to WoM and presumably AO, as it seems, there’s no changing one magic into another. You’re just born with the ability to use that magic and thus it’s no longer a mutation.

But no though



otherwise vetex would be like SWITCH youR mAgicS if You hAVe THe fOLLWInG
like explosion or crystal

Mmyes, good argument

@The_Legend_7.0 I mean the ability to mutate magics. Explosion, Ash, etc. aren’t “mutations” anymore by definition since they’re naturally-occuring.

Not directly just changing, and it did change, it mutated into plasma.

ngl, that’s true it’s all on a matter of perspective

Pretty much.

Do Magics that previously existed as Mutations exist in AO?

Do Mutations (which I will be defining as Magics that directly change into another Magic) exist?
No, almost definitely not.

Depends on definition, but that’s my take on it.

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Ya, Fire directly turned into Plasma

Ya, It mutated into plasma

Because it changed directly from Fire to Plasma. The Fire magic that existed before no longer would in this case because now it would be Plasma and you’d have no Fire Magic (unless you picked another Fire mind, but that’s a separate scenario anyway).

Ya, still a mutation