Will you be watching the Total Solar Eclipse?

So, apparently in some parts of the USA there is going to be a total solar eclipse. I think around the 8th for you guys.

And apparently there isn’t going to be another total solar eclipse in the next 20 years, with the next one after this being in 2044.

Knowing this, will you be watching the eclipse?

I’ve got a link from NASA that shows the path. If I was in the States I definitely wouldn’t let this opportunity vanish.

oh…i heard something like this happening on the news, but i am a european…don’t think i will be able to see it.

No problem, as an Australian I can’t see it too.

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Oh yeah, it’s going right over my house :smiley:

I want to see it, and I’ll try to, but it won’t be easy.

Damn, it’s just for the US (always gotta remember that us citizens only know of one country when they refer to the world :pensive:).

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I love how nearly no one is replying to this historical event.

I’m going to stare directly at the solar eclipse

That is a bloody great idea mate. And don’t wear eye protection when you’re at it too!

I will be doing so. Live about in the edge, but I should still see it just fine.

youl get equinox magic for sure, make sure you stare for at least 5 minutes!

He’s gonna get light-shadow magic!!!

no its cloudy

i have been scrambling to find safe glasses to wear to see it :frcryin: :frcryin:

i have a pair that are probably not dark enough so ill try not to stare for too long

Eh… I’m sure you’ll be fine.

But yeah safety first of course.

Diane in the middle of the day be like

yea and without glasses
surely i will be fine

eh, I’m already pretty blind

might as well go all the way through

am i truly an author if i do not subject myself to what i put my characters through

Jokes on you in my country, it’s at 11 in the night !

where u live? :fr:

True, I’ve directly stared at the sunset for atleast 10 mins on a bus ride. I can assure you it definitely makes a cross shape… and possible retinal damage