Will you be watching the Total Solar Eclipse?

yo chat my eyes hurt

I already did I got equinox magic

Impending doom approaches.

bro that’s the wrong event, solar eclipse is the one where a bunch of monsters and killers start coming out of no where and begin to swarm you

Should I stare directly at the sun. If I had protective gear.

yes :nod:
you should probably get some proper protection first

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Sun almost gone.

Flavor text here idk.

as a Washingtonian, I am going to be no where close to it’s path


Note that you can even see Jupiter in this picture—it’s the little white dot towards the bottom right. The phone doesn’t quite fully capture the eclipse, but you can see that the sun is indeed covered.

why do the clouds make out an eye with the sun?

might be just be me, i don’t know.

Dope fact, the leaves in a tree can act as lenses to project the image of the eclipse onto its shadow




I got a picture but can’t post it without leaking my address so sorry

coming to you from my neighbors’ car’s sunroof

(no totality :frcryin:)

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One of my classmates offered me their eclipse glasses, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m already a four-eyes, but the sun looked like nothing more than an orange blurry dot.

Its time to attack the fire nation.

The second picture looks so cool, you must be a pretty good photographer or something.

both were actually taken by my mom, since her phone camera is leagues better than my own :sob:

i think i know where i got my artist streak from