Will you press it?

Yea just get a 20 gallon bucket of water yep very easy

Yep I can totally dodge a fire ball that can go faster than light

What about my blackhole

Maybe sound

Well uh

Become sonic?

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Still sucks you up

I donā€™t know go faster than light

You can escape a black hole if you are faster than light

Time to transform into the sun


If we went by AA physics (where that fire symbol comes from), than it is quite possible from a good distance.

Irl: jump left/right and pray you only get hit a little

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Nothing can escape a blackhole

Umm not exactly but from what we know you are right but if we go off a video game character letā€™s say sonic heā€™s outrun a black hole in his base

the hamsters already dead. whats it gonna do? die again?

Hawking Radiation might want some kind words with you

I mean I would stand no chance for over 670m mph like ah yes I gotta dodge that I wouldnā€™t be able to move before it kills me. Also I am going off of irl

My best chance is to pray it comes from a player / person thatā€™s not strong

Ah ok, good luck then.

Maybe reducing the amount of area impacted while being aware of vitals might increase survival chances from 0.1% to 0.2%?
