Wind mage help

Im trying to make a wind mage and having a hard time chiosing the 2nd magic, what 2nd magic should I go that does well in pvp and pve? Wind snow mage or wind ice mage?

you should try wind poison if you invest in attack size and intensity

what does your build revolve around? fast and rapid strikes? slow but powerful ones? or are you perhaps looking to pve/p with wind magic’s knockback as gimmick?

Im really not sure tbh, I have been using fire conj since release and not so much of mage, so I do not know what would be a better option. Im mainly wanting to do good pvp and some pve but not really into flinging people to the sky :smiley:

But wouldn’t the frozen status effect be effective to go for rather than poison?

And now that I’m thinking about ice, Im not too sure if having a fast magic like wind would pair up well with a slow magic like ice. Wouldnt that kinda confuse myself?

yes, but you can knock people into poison clouds

they can compliment eachother
ice is slow, so use it for cqc, while wind is fast, you should use that for sniping

Wind and Poison is anti-synergy with poison clouds (self-anti-synergy is probably removed but I’m not sure if I’d try it out), but Poison is also the strongest dot so maybe it’s not that bad?

Either of the cold magics are probably good picks because you can stun; they will likely be more useful then a random pick

According to the wiki Wind has these damage interactions for some reason, so I guess any of these picks would be fine (probably not Plasma just because of short dot)

Any dot that isn’t cleared by Wind is generally a good pick as a second magic for extra damage. This would probably be Acid, Magma, and Glass alongside the heavy magics that inflict bleed for some reason

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Thanks for the kind answer :smiley: thats why I was mostly having a hard time on picking ice or snow, since they are both very different magics interms of size and speed

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Hmm that might work how would snow play out then?

treat snow as a powdery ice…?

Ice but faster and smaller and generally a balanced magic, probably more usable as a second magic (which has lower tiers and therefore lower size)

Alrighty thanks for all the help :smiley:

plasma ain’t a bad choice either

the original wind mage used poison as a massive area denial, and if it got burned, you can clear it away with wind

Use wind snow, snow is a versatile magic so you can use it in as many situations as possible ranged or close. It also blinds. Don’t try wind poison because it’s actually hard to knock people into the clouds in the first place , you gotta calculate where you are hitting them and even then players can use abilities to stop any knockback. It’s better to just use plasma poison where u use snare to hit them into clouds

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Poisoned is cleared by wind magic

you can use ice as second magic for freeze

Why the heck does Wind synergize with Plasma and Thermo