Winds and Wind Potions

Winds and Wind Potions
effort 4.75 4 quality 4.5 4 reasonability 2.5 4

Winds - Introduction

I think everyone reading this knows what winds are. In this suggestion, they are simplified to groups of air that move.

Wind potions are also a part of the suggestion. Gels would create winds at the attacked person’s position in the direction they are facing.

While all three types of winds mentioned in this suggestion would spawn naturally, the first two would spawn much more commonly with the third being very rare.

Wind Tiers and Reagents

Winds would have 3 tiers:

  1. Slow Winds (10m long)
    These winds would change a ship’s speed by + or - 10, depending on the wind direction and ship direction.

  2. Normal Winds (30m long)
    These winds would change a ship’s speed by + or - 20, depending on the wind direction and ship direction.

  3. Fast Winds (70m long)
    These winds would change a ship’s speed by + or - 40, depending on the wind direction and ship direction.

Potion reagents would be Windblown Coal (from rocks; for Tiers 1 and 2) and Windblown Belladonna Flower (separate spawning rate than normal Belladonna Flowers; for Tier 3)

Winds - Properties


If the wind was taken from a potion, the direction would be the direction the player was facing when the potion effect was activated would be the direction. Otherwise, it would be random.

Temperature and Status Effects

The wind will take the temperature or status effect (status effects only for Tier 2 and Tier 3 winds) of the area where it originates or the person who uses the potion or is hit by the gel. For example, if it originated on lava, it would take a pretty minor version of Melting with it, and around it the temperature would rise rapidly. If it originated in Sandfall, it would take an almost overheating temperature with it. Anyone hit by these winds would get the status effect until it wore off and/or get the temperature immediately until the natural forces change the temperature. Insanity wind could also be a thing, coming from islands like Akursius Keep or the Dark Sea. It would give just one Insanity status effect (eg. the mail from yourself or the water turning red).

Speed and Longevity

If the wind originated on a ship, it would stay on the ship until the ship stopped and then take the regular speed for its tier. The speed per tier would be as follows (in ship speeds shown in Shipyard):

Tier 1, Slow Winds: 10 Speed

Tier 2, Normal Winds: 20 Speed

Tier 3, Fast Winds: 35 Speed

Winds would reach:

5 players (Tier 1 & 2) or
10 players (Tier 3),

wait 20 seconds, and then despawn.

Winds - Conclusion

Winds would be an interesting way to make the world of Arcane Odyssey more immersive and more connected. It would be a nice way to speed up ships when you need to get somewhere quickly, and adds a bit more strategy to the game. For example, if you’re trying to take Silverhold as a criminal, you can use a wind potion to blow back Navy ships that are rapidly approaching you to attack them from your location. wind potions could also be useful in PvP, like most other potions.

Leave your thoughts below!


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Really cool idea but unless vetex decreases lags my pc gonna burn with it

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Nice idea but some parts sound a little too complicated.

Being able to control the wind either nearby or server wide sounds great

honestly I believe that the ship affecting winds part of this should be placed on gale potions instead of drinking a gale potion for a glorified high jump.

Nah the high jump is fun, make it so whenever a gale brew is on the ship it gives the effect fr

It would probably have to be a fully different potion so that it isn’t limited to just on ships. Also about lag, I agree that this could be laggy, but I don’t think it would be that laggy because the computer will only really need to load 2 or 3 at any given time unless there is, like, a battle with Wind Potions going on.

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It’s not so much controlling the winds as creating the winds, but yeah. Also, which parts sound too complicated? (Not that I don’t believe some are too complicated, its just I want to get some more feedback)

Mainly the air mass idea of temperatures and status effects, it seems kinda useless and overly complicated/annoying to code.

I’m also confused by the “winds would reach x players” part of it, like do you mean the winds shoot out in the desired direction like a beam or path and after a certain amount of people use it it begins to disappear?

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It could be used in combat to give the enemy a status effect they inflicted on you, which would make magics that synergize well with a lot of things be a double edged sword. The potions update has mostly been buffing magics that synergize. The temperatures part was mostly just to make it immersive. Also, most of the hard code for it is already in the game (give status effect when touched, give temperature when touched, minor version of status effects).

Yeah, basically. It’s a rectangular prism , and once it touches 5 people it will disappear.

we already have wind, and anything that can slow down travel is a no from me. 5 minutes to travel the entire map already feels torturous because it’s a break from gameplay, and adding an additional unnecessary one will take me out of the game further

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