Wise Words From Archer

If you are trying to find a “thing” that is unique to do, don’t try 100 different things at base level, try 1 thing and go to level 100.
If you place 1 brick to 100 different houses, you don’t have anything close to a house.
If you place 100 bricks to 1 house, you are 100x closer to finishing a house.

Don’t let what other people say affect you. It’s not as if they destroyed something you built, their words don’t mean shit.

Don’t act better than anyone. It’s a dick move.

Try and make someone’s day better. You will feel good too.


the first part makes literally now sense, but the others are fine. Take like.

In short, “generalization bad specialization good”

please change your pfp

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And then you realize what you’ve been working on has just been a waste of time

Yes, wise indeed.