With elysium code system add a way to invite friends if you or your friend dont have a third party chatting software

With elysium code system add a way to invite friends if you or your friend dont have a third party chatting software https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/f/b/fb132a835a51c63e43d21c780ca31c2cde31bd76.png
effort 4.857142857142857 7 quality 4.857142857142857 7 reasonability 5.0 9

Anyway ima stop derailing cuz Im good forumer

cap u are a terrible forumer

I know you’re a smart guy so maybe you misread but I was referring to lying in general. And a lot of jits lie about their age. Realistically you could say that it is a blanket statement because there might be 1 person who hasn’t lied their whole life but I doubt it and they’d be like 0000.1% of the population.

I never said I was against the suggestion I don’t know why I have to explain this 20 million times.


also why tf did you bring up gooning my guy???

3 rules of the internet

  1. every man is a man
  2. every woman is a man
  3. every child is a cop

so I’ve been arguing with a girl this whole time

damn i gotta lock in

Well there is good news on that front, uncensored chat for people 17+ is stated to be coming eventually on roblox but that is still only for a small group there.

Something like this would only be a good thing

lil bro did not see this in her description

5 days too late

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