With elysium code system add a way to invite friends if you or your friend dont have a third party chatting software

With elysium code system add a way to invite friends if you or your friend dont have a third party chatting software https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/f/b/fb132a835a51c63e43d21c780ca31c2cde31bd76.png
effort 4.857142857142857 7 quality 4.857142857142857 7 reasonability 5.0 9

thats what im saying

not the electric part

Nah bro send the screenshots :smiling_imp:

@anon93796324 if you don’t reply within 30 min I’m sending them

Arpee exposed :smiling_imp:

We should make a new “exposing arpeeguy” topic

alr well it’s been 30 minutes…

@DeronChepem I’ll send after school ends

nope, unfortunately have not had access to it since last October and likely won’t for a long while. Makes it much harder to communicate with the PvP community due to how much of them are on discord rather than the forums.

welcome to the “no discord” club! I’ve never had it and my parents have never allowed me to have it, even tho I’m old enough :sob:

it’s better not to communicate with PvPers anyways


most of them are cuckoo

name some examples

bro you’re derailing this topic and still moving the train

I have the solution:

also you’re in no place to call out anyone for derailing a topic if I’m being honest with you.

sure why not add it :grin:

Bro you gotta understnad though.
Some people dont even KNOW OF DISCORD yet are even allowed of discord. How are they supposed to invite there friends into elysium . Or people invite friends without discord into elysium. A SYSTEM THAT THEY PAID FOR.
its basic QOL idk why your so against it

That is literally a blanket statement.

Also, as somebody who actively decided against playing 10+ games until I was 10 and was super excited about it, no, not everyone is like this.

give up with soifon he isnt gonna listen to anything u say, the man is an internet gooner

“most of them” is kind of a huge stretch, it’s more of a very vocal minority which gives the rest of them a bad rep. I still would like to be able to communicate for the sake of keeping in touch with freinds, keeping up with ao, and having access to elyiusms, which will be made nearly impossible without having discord when the update comes through.

Mhm show these said screenshots

Fyi your photoshop skills are dogwater