Wizard's Extinction Ch. 19 "Outerworlds"

Zackary, Ryan, Derrick, Charles, James, Leon, Mike, Sarah and Kent all exited the room with the alien and walked towards the main control room.

“This room has everything we need to keep our temple safe from intruders, lock codes, barriers, you name it.”
James spoke.

“What does this button do?”
The alien walked over and pressed a purple button.

The forcefield that once protected the Temple came down.

“Oh fuck! …eh, it’s alright.”
James cooled himself.

“Anyways, there is also the speaker, to announce something to all the wizards around us.”
Charles tapped on the speaker.

“Say 1. 2. 3. for veinberries!”
Charles screamed into the microphone as all the young wizards complied.

The alien spoke.

“It’s an ancient fruit i used to eat along with…Jack…”
Zackary voice dropped from pride, to regret.

“I’ve heard about him, i’m sorry for his corruption.”
The alien replied.

“Do you have a name?”
Sarah spoke.

“Well, my name is Rutiple, but you can call me…Aaron”
The alien created a name.

“Welp, there’s much more to show you, we’d love to see your magical abilities”
Derrick smiled.


Four aliens inside of car’s with human disguises were driving towards the Marauder’s base, as they pulled up to the main door, Jack himself exited the headquarters and stood outside the building.

Pirit the leader exited the car and transformed back into his ancient-attire.

“My friend, the time it as been…too long”
Pirit spoke to Jack.

“What do you need, Pirit?”
Jack questioned.

“You could call me by my human name, but we can’t even maintain the old-fashion style of this town, so bright and holographic now’a days.”
Pirit rambled on.

“3 days ago, we had detected an magical-force near space, any ideas what it could have been?”
Jack interrupted.

“Every couple of years, blackholes appear right?”
Pirit smiled.

Jack raised an eyebrow.

“Some blackholes have travelled from so…so…so far away they made it into other universes and destroyed them.”
Pirit informed him.

“However, some beings with great power and resistance can survive.”
Pirit concluded.

Jack questioned.

“We may have strong beings who have been thrown out of the blackhole into this universe!”
Pirit yelled.

Jack took a moment to look into the future and saw himself deceiving Pirit into thinking wizards are the one’s from another universe.

“Ah yes, i do know some space-travelers who came to this world…come into my headquarters, we’ll gear you up.”
Jack concluded.

Pirit spoke to the aliens in the vehicles.


The horned wizard entered an abandoned castle near Summerhold and explored it, his footsteps echoing around the hallways of dust.

He’d eventually enter the throne room to see an entry throne.

“David, Daniel, Peter and Quinten, previous kings i have seen grown up and fall…”
The wizard spoke to himself.

A ghostly sound came behind the wizard.

He immediately turned around to see nobody behind him.

“Who is there?”
Fang questioned

“Spencer, Cassandra and then me, all villainous rulers you’ve outlived~”
The ghost spoke again.

Fang fell backwards and dropped his lamp.

“Go back to hell!”
His left and right arm covered with snow and shadow.

“Reapers have been there before and returned, can’t i?~”
The ghostly figure slowly became more visible and appearance behind him.

Fang felt a breeze behind him and turned around.

“Shadow Scy-”
Fang tried summoning a scythe.

Icarus pushed Fang through a wall and onto a lower-building rooftop.

“Heh, you haven’t changed a bit~”
Icarus laughed.

“Perks of being a reaper.”
Fang grew a sword and scythe from both hands and posed.

Both Fang and Icarus clashed together as Ice and Shadow met.

“Ice Explosion!”
Icarus exploded the floor beneath Fang.

Fang immediately leaped out the air and teleported behind Icarus.

Icarus felt the sword go through his chest.

“Hehe, HAHAHA, So righteous and heroic you once were Fang and now you’re just like me, a killer!”
Icarus let out a guttural laugh

“May that be the last time i fight you, Revenant!”
Fang pulled the sword out of him as Icarus faded back into hell.


Back at the Wizard Powerplant, Denzel entered through the doors and looked at Derrick.

“Have you found Sven yet?”
Derrick looked at the undead wizard.

“A year it’s been, still cannot find him.”
Denzel replied.

Denzel removed his helmet and saw a patch of purple veins growing up to his eyes.

“Healing Magic”
James held two-fingers onto Denzel’s face and the veins reduced in size.

“It’s a shame what that Ripper-virus did to you, shortened life-spans are the worst…”
Charles looked at Denzel.

“You’d know the same, old man.”
Denzel put his helmet back on and head to the training area.

The moment he left, the entire room started flashing red near the storage room.

“Somebody stolen my- i mean our weaponry!”
Richard yelled while wiping sweat off his forehead.

Sarah grabbed out one of Richard’s inventions and used it.

“Recent footprints lead this way!”
Sarah informed the others as she guided the way.

All the wizards exited the building to see Aliens who were dropping off their weapons inside a car.

“You can stop them right?”
Ryan looked at Aaron the Alien.

Aaron whispered.

“Lightning Blast!”
A alien shot a blast at James.

“Ice Barrier!”
James quickly summoned an ice wall that took the hit.

“Water Blast!”
Derrick pushed the Alien through the cars window.

“We must go!”
The alien inside the car spoke to the driver.

And so, the aliens took their items and started driving.

Charles faintly spoke.

“Get on the jet, we’re getting them!”
Richard ran into his lab.

“Wasn’t it destroyed?!”
Mike yelled.

“I can require anything!”
Richard yelled as he tugged the fabric off the upgraded jet.

-To Be Contiuned-

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Oh shoot, it’s an alternate future, so Fang was good at one point in this storyline. He makes a pretty good villain ngl. How far is this in the future? Perhaps he found some key to immortality, or revived from the dead. This would explain that:

Interesting. I gotta read Wizard’s Extinction from the beginning. But about the above quote, full reapers would never enter any state of headcanon past life. They turn to dust and reform somewhere far away when they die.

Dang, those black holes have gotta be humongous.

Dang, evil got to him in this reality. He would never say that normally lol


So cool, I might start writing sometime :sunglasses:

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Y’know, this is my first time reading this story. and reading it was very interesting because of it…

I don’t know if I’m gonna read the rest, but this is a good story!

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Mmmmyes read all of it or the federal government will arrive at your house :sunglasses:

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Oof, cons of being a fast-typer…TYPOS. The year is somewhere around 2055-60 in this story

Awww! :cry: