Wizard's Extinction: Ch. 2 "Wizard Training"

Both Derrick and Ryan would aboard a ship with Sven piloting it.

“I haven’t flew this thing ever since i was 17!”
Sven’s voice would beam out of the radios.

“When mom pulled your scared ass to training?”
Derrick replied.

“Oh, you were also a pussy while you were training, heck, why don’t you take the wheel, metaphorically speaking.”
Sven concluded

The plane would continue flying over tall skyscrapers and fields of wheat.

“When you start seeing trees, that’s where we get off.”
Derrick spoke to Ryan.

When they arrived, all three of them would get off the plane and begin walking a long distance, Sven would take long stretches and yawned.

“The secret Hogwarts area is hidden behind a rock…”
Sven would jolt his head around looking for a hidden symbol.

“There’s thousands of rocks, dumbass.”
Derrick replied.

“You kiss our mother with that mouth?”
Sven would laugh.

Ryan would notice a rock behind them that had a purple hexagon shape.

“Ah, i found it!”
Sven would push Ryan out of the way.

Sven would begin chanting an incantation and then the rock came off of the ground and revealed an entrance.

“You’re a wizard?”
Ryan said.

“Nah, i mean, not yet… think of it as talking to Siri or something.”
Sven would grab a flashlight and directed them inside.

-Meanwhile at the Marauders headquarters-

A man would be tied to a chair while the Assassin Denzel held his hands on his shoulder.

“Look if you want money, go rob my parent’s house, they have WAY better than I”
Barry would yell.

“Where did they go, Barry?!”
One of the members would yell at the Teacher.

“You boys? How would i know, you’re the fuckers who went after him-”
Barry would be cut off.

“Shadow Transfer”
Denzel would whisper

The Assassin gripped his shoulder harder and his vision began darker as his nose started to bleed.

“The lack of sunlight can damage your internal organs, professor.”
Denzel spoke.

A cloaked figure walked towards the nauseated teacher.

“…We’re aware that you’re a part of the operation, to train wizards to defeating us.”
The figure spoke.

“Look, all i know is that Derrick’s brother is taking him to the temple!”
Barry replied.

Denzel’s metallic voice beamed behind him.

“They are…located within the Pillar Forest, the entrance is underneath a stone.”
Barry would betray his wizards.

“You’ll prove useful of taking us there…”
The cloaked figure removed his cloak.

“…Vincent Graves!”
Barry would yell.

Before Barry could try and get off the chair, the Assassin would elbow his skull, knocking him out.

-Back at the Wizard’s Dark Corridors."

“We’re here.”
Sven would enter the room along side Derrick and Ryan.

Both the teenagers would be amazed to see about ten young wizards showcasing their magic, until a figure with white robes with long, silky white hair approached them.

“New comers, yes?”
The old wizard would look at Sven.

“Correct, except for my brother, he doesn’t have magic-”
Derrick would be interrupted.

“Not yet, he must unlock his, as well as…the other?”
The old man would raise his eyebrow at Ryan.

“Ryan’s ancestors were strong with magic, he most certainly has Harry Potter shit…speaking of which, where is my own magic Zackary?”
Sven would yell at the old man.

“Yours is yet to be seen.”
Zackary replied.

“Come with me to the training course, Derrick and Ryan, you’ll fight me two on one.”
Zackary smiled.

When they arrived on the dusty training course they stood side by side as they stared down the old man, they would begin sprinting towards him.

“Moonlight Blast!”
Zackary yelled and the two boys fell onto the floor.

Derrick would immediately get up with his crushed phone in his pocket.

“Ay, Gandalf you broke my-”
Derrick would be blasted into a wall.

“You can only unlock your magic by being in immense stages of emotion, now fight!”
Zackary yelled at the two.

When this happened, Ryan’s arms began crystalizing with blue shards.

He groaned in pain as it swelled.

“Come on, focus!”
The old man yelled.

Ryan would tense his face as he gripped his own arm trying to fight the pain.

Ryan’s exhaled in relief as the shards simply fell off his hand.

“Crystal Magic…Sapphire variation.”
Zackary would whisper to himself.

“That’s all the training for now, we must prepare for dinner.”
Zackary yelled to the other students as he walked over and helped Derrick off of the floor.

“Will i ever get powers?”
Derrick would groan.

“Look at me, I am 23 year-old and the most i can do is shave somebody”
Sven laughed.

-To Be Continued-

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A reference to a barber named “Alastair Lamina” a character from the Summerhold series.

Thanks for reading!