Wizard's Extinction: Ch. 5 "Remnant"

Ryan would equip a dueling uniform as he walked to the dueling arena with his teacher Zackary.

One of the temple guards roared.

Zackary would immediately start firing moonlight at Ryan, he would counter this by shielding himself with a sapphire wall and using the wall to lunge spikes at Zackary.

The old man would leap out of the way a conjure a moonlight whip.

Sven would laugh before being slapped by Derrick.

The whip would immediately entangle Ryan as he was thrown into one of the pillars breaking two of his ribs.

Ryan would try getting back up as blood sprayed out of his mouth.

“Crystal Explosion!”
Ryan would protrude many spikes out of the floor.

Zackary would dodge most of them, but one of them would impale his leg and disable his movements. Ryan would immediately begin running at Zackary.

“Moonlight Blast!”
The old man would try to delay Ryan back.

Ryan would duck down and hold Zackary while pointing a shard at his throat.

“Ryan wins!”
Zackary screamed as the audience cheered.

Both Sven and Derrick would cheer him on while patting his back until they saw cracking appearing all over the walls.

Zackary yelled as he fell unconscious on the floor.

“Gandalf, what the-”
Sven would see multiple Marauders enter the temple.

“They had corrupted the Arcane Waters, they provided Zackary immortality!”
One of the students yelled as he tried to shock them with yellow lightning.

“Without Zackary being conscious, the magic barrier disables!”
The child finished.

The Assassin, Denzel would begin slashing and combating many of the students, while the other members dealt with the others.

A man in a beefy uniform with a war-hammer grunted at Sven.

“Oh, you wanna get crazy huh?!”
Sven shot plasma beams at the Marauder.

“Ice Gimmick!”
The man yelled as ice started to form a shield around his hammer.

“That is so cool!”
Sven thought to himself.

“Die, bitch!”
The man would sprint towards Sven.

The man, despite his chunky structure, would seemingly teleport right up to Sven before slamming him in the head as blood spewed all over his face and sent him flying into a wall.

Derrick yelled as he ran towards the man with a dagger.

The man would grab his hand before re-directing the knife into Derrick’s chest.

Derrick grunted in pain as blood poured down and soaked his clothing.

“Why is a non-magically fuck doing here?”
The man laughed.

“Gilbert Calvin, remember that name!”
The large man yelled.

“Sapphire Blast!”
Ryan would scream across the room as shards impaled the beefy man and sent him backwards.

Derrick would fall onto the floor as he crawled towards his injured brother.

“Ryan, son and survivor of the Salore family, your father had died by our hands, so shall you.”
Denzel’s eyes would have various expression while talking.

“Sapphire Blast!”
Ryan would try to finish the Assassin.

A smoke of darkness blinded Ryan, once it recovered, Denzel was right behind Ryan.

“Sapphire Explosion!”
Ryan would explode the ground they stood on and knocked Denzel back.

“Moonlight Transmission!”
Zackary would reawaken and teleported both Derrick and Sven away.

“Stop him!”
Vincent yelled at Gilbert.

“Petrify Gimmick!”
He pulled out a crossbow enchanted with a Wizard’s soul and petrified Zackary.

Ryan would try to dive into the portal, but would be cut off abruptly

Ryan would fall onto the ground.

Vincent yelled as he used telekinesis to pull Ryan right into his hands.

“Your crystal magic will be put to better use!”
Vincent pulled out a magic-extracting Buzzsaw and slowly began inserting it into his chest.

“Ah…Mo- Moonlight Trans…MISSION!”
Zackary would manage to break out of the paralyzing state and teleport Ryan to the other survivors.

Vincent would slowly walk towards the frail old man.

“Tell me where they are, and your execution would be all the less painful…”
Vincent angrily spoke.

The old man muttered out.

Vincent would pin Zackary onto the floor as he held the Extractor over his heart.

“Metal Laceration!”
A man would slice Vincent’s arm off before he would murder him.

Vincent yelled as blood creeped out of his arm and stared at Ryan’s father, Charles Salore.

“That was for my wife!”
Charles would stomp towards Vincent.

“Ice Gimmic-”
Gilbert would be slashed in the chest by James using a ice-dagger.

Vincent would try to stab Charles but would be held into the air and slammed onto the floor, shattering his spine.

Vincent spewed blood.

“This is for the wizards!”
Charles would pick Vincent back up and punch his face, completely breaking his nose.

“And this…is for my son, ARRRUGH!”
Charles would summon a massive metallic spike and impaled it right through Vincent’s heart as it appeared on the other side, with blood spraying everywhere.

Charles would drop Vincent’s lifeless body down, drenched in blood.

James looked away in disgust.

“That’s one of the Marauder leaders down.”
Zackary groaned on the floor.

“We had restored the Arcane Waters when we noticed it was corrupted.”
James explained.

“Hence why i managed to teleport Derrick, Sven and Ryan away.”
Zackary replied.

“We should meet them, i cannot wait to see my son again-”
Charles would be cut off.

“Take a shower man, you don’t want to look like you just ate somebody.”
James laughed.

Charles would remove his top hat as he stared at James.

“…Yeah, sorry, that was too far.”
Charles walked away and entered the bathroom.

“Shadow Recall…”
The injured Denzel would unknowingly teleport both himself and Gilbert back to their headquarters.

-Meanwhile at the Marauder’s base-

One of the low-ranked reporters entered the Marauder’s council room.

“…Our computers shows 0% life detection from Vincent…he had passed away.”
The man fearfully spoke to the hologram of the Main Leader.

The figure’s ghostly voice caused the hologram to vibrate.

“He had been murdered by the magic of iron, a man named Charles Salor-”
The reporter would be crushed telepathically onto the floor.

“That man, is dead!”
The leader roared as the floor the reporter was compressed on, began to crack.

“We have murdered all of the students except for three, we succeeded in some areas!”
The reporter screamed in pain as he was released off the floor.

“Use the magic detector and find traces of their magic types!”
The leader yelled.

The reporter would run out of the futuristic office as the hologram turned off.

“All investigator access the magic detection charts on your computers, we must find the surviving students!”
A voice beamed at a gigantic office filled with Marauders.

-To Be Continued-

I am so damn sorry for not posting any Chapters for almost a week, it’s difficult when your constantly being kicked in a reproductive organ by exams, i passed :smile: my regular schedule should be backed to normal. Thanks for reading.