WMDrayal's art thread ( and shtposting... mostly shtposting )

Screenshot 2024-05-10 12.56.47 PM


Holy crabs, cool character

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Bio wtf it hasnt even been 5 seconds

2024 and 2021

i did improve, after all~


Newer one feels a lot more fleshed out and dynamic .3.
I see they also got some demons blood or mutations over the years

Shoutout to edgy mfs with scythes

Gotta be my favorite character type


i rip his arm off :blush:

Screenshot 2024-05-14 9.41.32 AM


  1. Cursed Swamp - Paxillam - The Land of Alchemy
  • originally it was supposed to be the Cursed Forest, but having two forest is a bit lame so i turned it into a swamp
  • not exactly closed off to the outside world, but is also relatively hostile environmentally speaking
  • the locals, Drysan ( a race of plant people, basically ) also dont really bother with making contact with outsiders. They will trade and help you if you ask… wont take kindly if you damage the environment, however
  • And trust me, they will know
  • the Platinum that protects this region is Zamera the Phantom Queen, the current Sovereing of Shadow. A former Platinum, Lung the Immortal, also lives here after retiring
  • Rating:
    Technology: 2/5, rely almost completely on Sorcery
    Sorcery: 4/5, has extensive knowledge about alchemy and advaced knowledge or sorcery
    Wealth: 2.5/5, has various regents and materials found nowhere else, often trade for items instead of raw money however
    Might: 2/5, doesnt have a formal army, the Drysan are almost unbeatable while they’re still in their homeland however
    Diplomacy: 2/5, makes little attempts at contacting with the outside world, but wont refuse it if contacted
  1. Verdant Grove - Silvau - The Land of Sorcery
  • unsuprisingly, the land of alchemy and sorcery are right next to each others

  • the area has much higher ether density to the rest of the region, which caused unique mutations in flora and fauna to occur. the most prominent one being the Hexwood, a type of tree with black wood and red leaf, both of which are important material in both alchemy and ether conduit making

  • the forest have 5"zones", the deeper you go the higher the ether pollution. The 5th zone is said to be so polluted that even a Sovereign would have trouble stay alive. Its theorized that a powerful artifact, possibly comparable to the Molten Star and the Frozen Star, is located within this zone and is the source of the area’s ether pollution

  • The Silvau kingdom is said to located somewhere in the 4th zone and have several layers of protection on it, making observation from outside and trying to find the kingdom without having a precise guide impossible

  • very closed off to the outside world and doesnt allow people without magic to permanently remains in the kingdom ( outside of special circumstances )

  • Ironically enough, the Platinum that protects this area is a Fractus ( basically someone who is born with Anti-Sorcery ) called Deidra the Huntress

  • has the most prestigious ( and only, actually ) school of sorcery in the entire region, the Arcane Academy, and a library ( aptly named the Arcane Library ) within it thats said to contain most if not all knowledge that was ever recorded, with some even dating back before the Armageddon

  • Rating:
    Technology: 1/5, rely entirely on Sorcery
    Sorcery: 5/5, the amount of knowledge they have on Sorcery is rivaled only by the people of the Ancient Desert
    Wealth: 3.5/5, knowledge is expensive, they also lend their sorcerers to anyone who has the money for it
    Might: 5/5, its the most magically advanced kingdom in the entire region, what did you expect?
    Diplomacy: 1.5/5, trust me, it used to be worse

The Arable - Pratu - The Land of Agriculture

  • A large, fertile meadow that is mostly used as farmlands

i’ll continue my ramblings tomorrow

now, death shall give me a brief respite from the waking world

good night, forum


yes i love star

the next drawing should be done by tmr or so

i could get it done now but my phone’s dead and my charger is in my mother’s room

ive been messing around with my artstyle and also updated my art references gallery since like forever

still kinda this and that, but personally im decently proud of this

loser lost one of her eye after Fraudian crashed her at mach 5

im not quite done studying the way to highlight yet, or maybe its just my eyes that are not used to them