Wom 2 sunken trade

this is not ao

ill give you 6 bursting sunken helms and 2 sunken swords for a sunken sword in wom2

Why the sigma badigma is wom 2 restricted for me :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

what does this sentence mean

If youre trading ao items for wom2 items this falls under crosstrading and is sgainst ao’s rules

i am trading wom2 items for wom2 items, wom2 items are worthless anyways since you can just dupe them theyre not worth any ao items

I assumed so since you didnt include the enchants for the swords

i mean i can do this trade but like. why …?

cause i want a sunken sword

why are you trading 2 sunken swords for a sunken sword

im going to take your sunken sword and then dupe it and give it back so that nothing was lost

Dupe like a hundred and slide one to me

i have 3000 oaths rn so sure

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what level are u bc i only have minimum of lvl 2520

above 4000

above 4280? i have swift at 2520 and clean at 4280

U should be able to trade higher level items to low level files in wom
Oh wait dmg nvm

ill take the clean though im not quite there yet, you can trade regardless of level in wom

Its just 100000x the pain trying to metalwork it to 10000 once you get there

I gotta get a strong and a hard one so any of yall lmk if you get any illl pay with hugs and kisses

ingame rn join tbd5921