WoM Map Marker PNGs

Here are some WoM markers that I made in Adobe Illustrator for a guild map I am working on. Please be sure to credit me. Enjoy!


I want to see the guild map, not the markers ;-;

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Here is the old version. I am going to redo it with my new markers and a fresh layout.


Dang that definitely looks better than the one that Swi made

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Not sure which one that is, but glad you like it. This was not made by me though, credit goes to our guild leader Mars. :+1:t2:

Could you change the percentage of the image to 50%

These markers are kind of big

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is this good enough?
small_ hotpink marker small_ orange marker small_ purple marker

small_black marker small_blue marker


Thanks it was just filling up my phone screen

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Yeah no worries, they were definitely really big. :+1:t2: