WoM playerbase have a problem, and it's mostly centered around PvP (Rant)

So the biggest problem I see with players right now is THE ABSOLUTE AMOUNT OF FKING SALT they can spit out their fat lips. Especially most competitive PvPers, who go out of their way to win just a little bit harder by trash talking their losers, calling them “attention seekers” or “bots.”

Listen, nobody gives a shit about your PvP skill in a Roblox RPG. If there were any attention seekers around here, it’d probably be you, who doesn’t get enough attention irl and relies on a video game to prove yourself to others.

Being a person with mediocre PvP skills, I usually fight for recreational purposes, not hardcore going-at-each-other’s-throats style. Every time I lose (and trust me, I have a lot), I’m usually greeted by a “noob” or “you’re bad” in the chat. Just cuz you lose a PvP in a game doesn’t mean you’re to be called a downright failure or whatever yellow horse shit they come up with.

If you’re the people who have been on the receiving end of these people’s insults, don’t you worry. They’re probably just fat teenagers who sit behind their monitors 10 hours a day.

If you’re the people who dish out the annoying shit, do us all a favor and shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear you borrow your roasts from your mommy vs. daddy arguments at home. You’re helping the game die even faster by turning away newer players the more you clickity-clack on that keyboard of yours.


this is a problem with most pvp games
they can call you the loser all they want
but in the end the true winner is me
because i have multiple cds of nacho libre i am i am from the 2006 movie nacho libre


inb4 pvpers say:

  • “sKiL issUe”
  • “JUst SucK It Up And GiT GuD”
  • insert something passive aggressive in an attempt to sound cool

Most serious pvpers cannot look through the eyes of someone who doesn’t care about pvp, so they just force it on everyone because they feel like it. I’m not sure what they think they will gain by insulting the people they defeat, they’re probably from rogue…


I’m very glad to have not invested in pvp seriously


yea theres like a few types of people
tryhards that have a huge ego
people who are good at pvp and are nice
people who take every death personally
the person who gets clobbered 20 times in a row, kills the person a single time, then calls the other person bad and leaves

fuck pvp
all my homies cook in cooking association


I don’t know where you find these types of people, really.
I’ve spent most of my time in the coliseum, if not fighting then just chilling, and I don’t remember ever seeing one of these sad lowlifes you describe
Everyone’s been chill and maybe jokingly took turns calling each other trash, but that’s just people who enjoy trash talk and they can have their fun as far as I care.

It’s sad that people have their whole perspective of a part of the community warped by these, I would say bad eggs, but they seem to be fermenting, worm infested, rotten remains waiting to become fossil fuel eggs.

Here’s a tip, when people start calling you trash and bad at the game, slap them back with a savage one liner ( I recommend “I would fight you with my wits, but I see that you are unarmed”, a timeless classic ) followed by leaving the game as a mic drop.

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that line is all fun and games until you’re hit with the


Well you see, he threw the sick burn, but forgot the mic drop, a detrimental miscalculation on his part. :nod:

it wouldve made it third degree murder :nod:

Couldn’t have said it better. I only pvp just for the fun of it, I don’t plan to become a hardcore PvP tryhard, just someone who can at least hold their own in a PvP situation. The game isn’t really about PvP anyway, PvP is just one of the other areas of the game that certain players like to invest their time into. Insulting others just because you beat them is pretty sad, and nobody is going to care that you can fight well on a Roblox RPG irl. :fr:


Wins a fight against a level 45 while being a level 90 with max gear

Thinking of that, I really should upgrade my level 50 wizards robes and enchant them.

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Id like to make a clarification, Im not saying that all PvPers are bad (some are constructive and friendly), it’s just the gangsters who act like they’re living in a hood that I’m ranting about.

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Yeah, I’m fine with pvpers saying GG or stuff like that (I personally say GG, unless they just run).


“Yeah dude, I can PvP”

Goes after level 60 players trying to fight a boss

It’s kinda sad how certain “PvPers” either attack people when the people are low during a boss fight or the “PvPers” use bosses as a shield. Legit those guys have no honor. Real PvPers fight in a fair situation and respect their opponent.

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Exactly, I’d rather respect a low tier PvPer who can actually respect their opponent and fight fairly than a master PvPer who likes to look down on everyone.

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i agree i agree i agree. Tho sometimes the pvp toxicity is deserved. If someone attacks you while youre fighting a boss and you absolutely destroy em and call em a noob then thats deserved. I hate people who attack you when youre fighting a boss


Yeah, it’s quite debatable since there are times one might deserve to be insulted, but then again, trying to fight toxicity with toxicity will never bring about peace, it will just escalate the problem unnecessarily.

true true true, im not saying its the best solution cuz it aint tho im saying in certain situations some toxicity might be deserved

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