WoM Trivia

Some random facts about WoM. I may have covered some of these before. I’ve been pretty unmotivated on working on the Magius News compilation, it’s about halfway done.

  • The “!” from when an npc alerts takes around 3 seconds to despawn.
  • NPCs register ice and magma platforms as solid land, and thus will jump on. It’s a good way to kill npcs in towns as a negative rep by drowning them.
  • Civilian NPCs run in the general opposite direction you face. This lets you “herd” them around the map, if you have the patience. Alternatively, you can lead them to be attacked by random bandits and dark wizards or something. Shops, however, will instantly teleport back to their shops sometimes, and regular civilians will always attempt to walk back to their town.
  • Shop and civilian npcs’ alert lines may be randomized every few seconds instead of every alert. They will sometimes say the same line several times if you keep alerting them.
  • Oddly enough, there are only 10 lines for civilians being damaged. Most NPCs have 12 lines for alerts (3 per personality)
  • If you aggro a hostile npc in riverville and hop on the ledge nearby (the back exit where the river and bridge is), the NPC’s pathfinding will calculate the nearest path as to the Silent Tower and back.
  • Sometimes, when the tower collapses, some soldiers remain floating. This is due to those NPCs being too high up and not loading in. If you jump high enough, they fall down. Same applies to torches and some other furniture.
  • NPCs will never naturally aggro to wanted/travelling shops.
  • There’s this one lake in Castilian shore that very rarely bugs out and flings you.
  • There’s another bug where you can slide off a roof or rock while in an anim (sit, relax, etc) and slide around on the floor while frozen in that pose. This is impractical though, as while it’s fast, you can’t cross roads and it’s hard to steer the character.
  • If you kill an NPC underwater, its bodt floats. If you kill it on land and push it into the water, it sinks. If you kill the npc underwater, push the body onto land, and push it back into water, it also sinks, implying the floating is probably triggered as an event upon npc death.
  • How to perform the flying water glitch fairly easily: At the seawatch pond, if you place a platform (ice/magma magic) at the edge of the hole and step onto the platform without jumping, it seems to work frequently enough. Does not work with a friend’s platforms unfortunately, from what I’ve tested.
  • If Exiled kills a player while his invincible is up, he will not re-aggro until the invincible ends.
  • The silent tower captain cannot aggro through barred windows, such as the ones on the execution floor. NPCs also can’t aggro through normal windows, as they probably have raycasting to determine their aggro. They can see through doors though, oddly enough.
  • NPCs do their best to avoid jumping into the ocean, but they still do it anyway if they’re using their abilities sometimes.
  • You can break a chest after you’ve opened it. If you hit it while it is despawning, it breaks and returns to full opacity.
  • For such a small space, the hidden tavern in mount seawatch has three or four spawns. For reference, the ironport tavern has three spawns inside and the summer hold one has zero.
  • There’s a statue in the bronze arena carrying a sphere. If you break the statue, you can kick the sphere around for a while until it anchors, like other debris.
  • Only town civilians and MC guards/soldiers/captains appear to use animation packs. other npcs don’t appear to (I might have missed something for this point, I don’t remember if travelling shops use anim packs)
  • Private storages are normally indestructible. The exception is when they are part of a structure that collapses (easiest to see is silent tower)
  • If you open up the developer console, you can see two prominent bugs in the output: One with lightning bolts and another with NPC despawning.
  • Pirates and mercs have very confusing pathfinding. They must use something akin to regular npcs, as vetex might not have accounted for them jumping off the ship and dying.
  • Minibosses (heroes and villains) always wear a defense amulet visually.
  • Sometimes, if there aren’t enough articles, the Magius News will reuse old headlines from the previous issue. If there are no articles, it will not update in terms of content (needs confirmation, but I did see it happen once I think)
  • NPCs can doublecast any offensive spell. I’ve seen soldiers cast their blast spell twice simultaneously if they’re multi-shot blasts, and you’ve probably seen captains fire multiple spells at once.

Wow this is pretty thorough, and fun to read. I guess one benefit of WoM sticking around for so long is that people get to analyze the tiniest quirks it has

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so this is how dark wizards at level 35 break the laws of the game and do 1000 blasts

moment when the captain starts spellbinding beam and blast barrages:

very interesting to read through, and a lot of facts i didnt know!

probably because doors arent counted as physical objects, they have no collision boxes and you only interact with them visually.

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