Womp Womp, no more invisibility cheese

they arent my fear

this is my fear

what the hell how have I not thought of that

Invis pot propaganda so people sell more jade pearls

fire magic: fire blast!

that was a lighting

You aren’t supposed to have an easy time. You go into the Dark Sea, you explore, and you try to get good loot; the best loot you can for your level even. It’s meant to be difficult for a reason, also I’m pretty sure they can just sense your magic.

womp womp

I agree with this change but does invis have ANY use other than this?

literally none.

maybe invisibility 5 should still work, and the others just lower aggro range by a small amount

Invis 4 and 5 are pretty funny since youre nearly or fully invisbile respectively and any lvl of invis makes your hp bar disappear but thats about all

me with invis 5 and 300 agility on my way to gank someone:
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My Rival has more health and she’s not even max level yet

Even though I have all their things five times over I still want more of their loots just incase I’d be useful you never know!

im gonna cry and shit and piss myself nooooooooo now i have to deal with these annoying flys whenever i loot a siren rock

I swear, Sirens branch from being relatively normal to being the worst things to try fighting, especially if they start teleporting.

frr they’re weak but it takes ages to kill them cuz they just teleport around in the air every 2 god damn seconds

It’s even worse if they have Wind Magic. First I can’t aim properly because y’all are constantly flying or teleporting, and now you’re pushing me back to screw up my aim some more?

sirens have magic? since when lol

the solution is to just not fight them

nobody argued that it should be easy, the dark sea is already miserable enough. its just adding more difficulty that inconveniences the player for no reason (example: water poisoning)

you should be awarded an easier time in the dark sea if you prepare accordingly.
for instance, stacking a lot of cargo boxes to repair your ship, having warding armor, a good ship, etc.
this would also include grinding jade pearls to turn into invisibility potions.

nobody said the dark sea should be easy, but it shouldnt be made needlessly more frustrating considering how random and grindy it already is (also considering nobody asked for this change as well)