Wood Magic Beam Revamp

While Vetex is revamping magics, I thought this would be the perfect time to make suggestion.
Basically, I was in the shower thinking about AO, (stfu) I thought of a cool suggestion. Basically, the wood beam would start off as a sapling of some sorts. After every tier, the tree would grow until at the final tier it would be a full on tree. This change would bring some real flare to Wood Magic, which is a magic that I rarely see used and is kind of looked as a “bad magic.” I’m not sure what Vetex has planned for wood magic (if he’s even revamping it at all) but this might be a good change. This was just a small suggestion that I thought would be cool, I just have the idea, not a real concept so feel free to give your opinions and criticism in the comments.


bruh what, what are the chances someone did the same thing :fr:

well i read it and mine’s different, but he accepted it so i doubt he would accept another wood beam change, oh well

If you look at the dev updates you can see the wood beam at its full potential

That’s actually an Earth Beam, not a Wood Beam.

Hmm… I. Guess wood and earth magic will look pretty similar exept that wood might have leaves on the beam, I don’t know tho

It’ll be closer to Lightning’s zig zag Beam, but it’s subject to change in regards to the drastic revamping.

“Hardwood Impale!”

If the beam is a dead tree, maybe, but not a living one for sure

Oh I didn’t even notice that the other one was accepted

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