Wood Beam Change

Make wood’s beam similar to how lightning’s works. In a way where it acts as a tree branch rather than just a straight beam. It adds some sort of uniqueness that wood desperately needs. :frhigh:


Sure, why not. It’d look nice. Also do the same for crystal, earth etc etc etc.

This is good but I need my votes for other stuff

Doesnt make sense for Crystal and earth though
His reasoning is to make it look more branchlike which makes sense but why would you make Crystal more branchlike

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that would be cool

[solid magic name] beam? bro?

More like

instant lag spike beam

good idea tho, nah real talk, would be cool if other magics had like, their own shapes n shit instead of just a differently colored pillar with particles

No, i mean give it the same kinda unique thing. Not branch like, just different from a straight beam.

in that case every magic should get a unique beam
for wood and lightning it makes sense since they just look like that but there isnt alotta variation in how most other elements look

a would beam could just have the texture of a log

It could
But branching would look cooler

Nah, I don’t think every beam should have some different thing, wood is just so basic and bland that it actually needs it

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