Wood spells

Whistleblower is basically a move where Shawn spins a log super fast, turning it into sawdust and just blowing it lol




I wish vetex allows us to have a more free naming system :pensive:


I’m saying!

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What does Fluorescent Adolescence do?

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Haven’t fully thought of it since it’s yet to be used in a chapter buut it’s either armor or speed

Same but I can see why he doesn’t want it.

Deepwoken’s spell shout is a good example

Whistleblower is kinda like pocket sand but aggressive

Sawdust in your face ACHOO

You good there shawn?

You look like… you need a snickers
you’re not you when you’re hungry.


shawn got too silly :crying_cat_face: :pensive:

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he looks cool :3

gives snicker

(blocked with halberd) TOO LATE!! now we can have a proper fight! HAHAHA

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Can he summon sticks tho? And I mean the thin, whippy kind

Charlotte’s Web looks dope tho frfr

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Yeah he can but I can’t seem to think of a name

Also thanks


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The whistleblower move reminds me of a move me and my brother came up for charcoal/ash magic called Pocket Cinder, which is you just throw wood dust at someone, and once they breath it in set it on fire for spontaneous lung cancer

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I love this.

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“Heavenly pounding!”