
Hello ladies and gentlemen, today, we will be discussing wood magic, or more generally, wood itself.


Wood is a porous, fibrous substance that is commonly found on trees, it is an organic material with cellulose fibers embedded with a matrix of lignin, to resist compression.

Woods main purpose in trees is to act as the body, as well as transporting resources and materials around the organism, with the help of xylem and phloem.

Wood is often covered by a substance known as bark, flaky, hard, plate like objects that protect the wood itself from the harsh world outside.

Wood’s average matter density is roughly 350-400 Kg/m^3

chemicals known as extractives can alter the color of wood, originating from dried sap in the tree.


Wood has been used by man for thousands of years, we’ve used it for building, fires, industry, and toymaking, along with much more, even in cooking.

Woods generally soft and easy to carve properties make it very popular as a material for building furniture, weaponry, toys, and other tools and necessities.

Wood, which this most should know, is extremely flammable, thus making it extremely useful for fires, which is critical for any civilization to have in the early stages.

Wood just like other soft, tissue based things, is vulnerable to acids and chemicals, which can damage it to a differing scale depending on how long and what it was exposed too.

Red Alder Alnus rubra Green 370 20.4 45
Red Alder Alnus rubra 12.00% 410 40.1 68
Black Ash Fraxinus nigra Green 450 15.9 41
Black Ash Fraxinus nigra 12.00% 490 41.2 87
Blue Ash Fraxinus quadrangulata Green 530 24.8 66
Blue Ash Fraxinus quadrangulata 12.00% 580 48.1 95
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green 530 29 66
Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica 12.00% 560 48.8 97
Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia Green 500 24.2 52
Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia 12.00% 550 41.6 88
White Ash Fraxinus americana Green 550 27.5 66
White Ash Fraxinus americana 12.00% 600 51.1 103
Bigtooth Aspen Populus grandidentata Green 360 17.2 37
Bigtooth Aspen Populus grandidentata 12.00% 390 36.5 63
Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides Green 350 14.8 35
Quaking Aspen Populus tremuloides 12.00% 380 29.3 58
American Basswood Tilia americana Green 320 15.3 34
American Basswood Tilia americana 12.00% 370 32.6 60
American Beech Fagus grandifolia Green 560 24.5 59
American Beech Fagus grandifolia 12.00% 640 50.3 103
Paper Birch Betula papyrifera Green 480 16.3 44
Paper Birch Betula papyrifera 12.00% 550 39.2 85
Sweet Birch Betula lenta Green 600 25.8 65
Sweet Birch Betula lenta 12.00% 650 58.9 117
Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis Green 550 23.3 57
Yellow Birch Betula alleghaniensis 12.00% 620 56.3 114
Butternut Juglans cinerea Green 360 16.7 37
Butternut Juglans cinerea 12.00% 380 36.2 56
Black Cherry Prunus serotina Green 470 24.4 55
Blach Cherry Prunus serotina 12.00% 500 49 85
American Chestnut Castanea dentata Green 400 17 39
American Chestnut Castanea dentata 12.00% 430 36.7 59
Balsam Poplar Cottonwood Populus balsamifera Green 310 11.7 27
Balsam Poplar Cottonwood Populus balsamifera 12.00% 340 27.7 47
Black Cottonwood Populus trichocarpa Green 310 15.2 34
Black Cottonwood Populus trichocarpa 12.00% 350 31 59
Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides Green 370 15.7 37
Eastern Cottonwood Populus deltoides 12.00% 400 33.9 59
American Elm Ulmus americana Green 460 20.1 50
American Elm Ulmus americana 12.00% 500 38.1 81
Rock Elm Ulmus thomasii Green 570 26.1 66
Rock Elm Ulmus thomasii 12.00% 630 48.6 102
Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra Green 480 22.9 55
Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra 12.00% 530 43.9 90
Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Green 490 18.3 45
Hackberry Celtis occidentalis 12.00% 530 37.5 76
Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis Green 600 31.5 71
Bitternut Hickory Carya cordiformis 12.00% 660 62.3 118
Nutmeg Hickory Carya myristiciformis Green 560 27.4 63
Nutmeg Hickory Carya myristiciformis 12.00% 600 47.6 114
Pecan Hickory Carya illinoinensis Green 600 27.5 68
Pecan Hickory Carya illinoinensis 12.00% 660 54.1 94
Water Hickory Carya aquatica Green 610 32.1 74
Water Hickory Carya aquatica 12.00% 620 59.3 123
Mockernut Hickory Carya tomentosa Green 640 30.9 77
Mockernut Hickory Carya tomentosa 12.00% 720 61.6 132
Pignut Hickory Carya glabra Green 660 33.2 81
Pignut Hickory Carya glabra 12.00% 750 63.4 139
Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata Green 640 31.6 76
Shagbark Hickory Carya ovata 12.00% 720 63.5 139
Shellbark Hickory Carya laciniosa Green 620 27 72
Shellbark Hickory Carya laciniosa 12.00% 690 55.2 125
Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos Green 600 30.5 70
Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos 12.00% 600 51.7 101
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Green 660 46.9 95
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia 12.00% 690 70.2 134
Cucumber Tree Magnolia Magnolia acuminata Green 440 21.6 51
Cucumber Tree Magnolia Magnolia acuminata 12.00% 480 43.5 85
Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Green 460 18.6 47
Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 12.00% 500 37.6 77
Bigleaf Maple Acer macrophyllum Green 440 22.3 51
Bigleaf Maple Acer macrophyllum 12.00% 480 41 74
Black Maple Acer nigrum Green 520 22.5 54
Black Maple Acer nigrum 12.00% 570 46.1 92
Red Maple Acer rubrum Green 490 22.6 53
Red Maple Acer rubrum 12.00% 540 45.1 92
Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Green 440 17.2 40
Silver Maple Acer saccharinum 12.00% 470 36 61
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Green 560 27.7 65
Sugar Maple Acer saccharum 12.00% 630 54 109
Black Red Oak Quercus velutina Green 560 23.9 57
Black Red Oak Quercus velutina 12.00% 610 45 96
Cherrybark Red Oak Quercus pagoda Green 610 31.9 74
Cherrybark Red Oak Quercus pagoda 12.00% 680 60.3 125
Laurel Red Oak Quercus hemisphaerica Green 560 21.9 54
Laurel Red Oak Quercus hemisphaerica 12.00% 630 48.1 87
Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra Green 560 23.7 57
Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra 12.00% 630 46.6 99
Pin Red Oak Quercus palustris Green 580 25.4 57
Pin Red Oak Quercus palustris 12.00% 630 47 97
Scarlet Red Oak Quercus coccinea Green 600 28.2 72
Scarlet Red Oak Quercus coccinea 12.00% 670 57.4 120
Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata Green 520 20.9 48
Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata 12.00% 590 42 75
Water Red Oak Quercus nigra Green 560 25.8 61
Water Red Oak Quercus nigra 12.00% 630 46.7 106
Willow Red Oak Quercus phellos Green 560 20.7 51
Willow Red Oak Quercus phellos 12.00% 690 48.5 100
Bur White Oak Quercus macrocarpa Green 580 22.7 50
Bur White Oak Quercus macrocarpa 12.00% 640 41.8 71
Chestnut White Oak Quercus montana Green 570 24.3 55
Chestnut White Oak Quercus montana 12.00% 660 47.1 92
Live White Oak Quercus virginiana Green 800 37.4 82
Live White Oak Quercus virginiana 12.00% 880 61.4 127
Overcup White Oak Quercus lyrata Green 570 23.2 55
Overcup White Oak Quercus lyrata 12.00% 630 42.7 87
Post White Oak Quercus stellata Green 600 24 56
Post White Oak Quercus stellata 12.00% 670 45.3 91
Swamp Chestnut White Oak Quercus michauxii Green 600 24.4 59
Swamp Chestnut White Oak Quercus michauxii 12.00% 670 50.1 96
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor Green 640 30.1 68
Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor 12.00% 720 59.3 122
White Oak Quercus alba Green 600 24.5 57
White Oak Quercus alba 12.00% 680 51.3 105
Sassafras Sassafras albidum Green 420 18.8 41
Sassafras Sassafras albidum 12.00% 460 32.8 62
Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Green 460 21 49
Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua 12.00% 520 43.6 86
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Green 460 20.1 45
American Sycamore Platanus occidentalis 12.00% 490 37.1 69
Tanoak Notholithocarpus densiflorus Green 580 32.1 72
Tanoak Notholithocarpus densiflorus 12.00% 580 32.1 72
Black Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica Green 460 21 48
Black Tupelo Nyssa sylvatica 12.00% 500 38.1 66
Water Tupelo Nyssa aquatica Green 460 23.2 50
Water Tupelo Nyssa aquatica 12.00% 500 40.8 66
Black Walnut Juglans nigra Green 510 29.6 66
Black Walnut Juglans nigra 12.00% 550 52.3 101
Black Willow Salix nigra Green 360 14.1 33
Black Willow Salix nigra 12.00% 390 28.3 54
Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Green 400 18.3 41
Yellow Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera 12.00% 420 38.2 70
Baldcypress Taxodium distichum Green 420 24.7 46
Baldcypress Taxodium distichum 12.00% 460 43.9 73
Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides Green 310 16.5 32
Atlantic White Cedar Chamaecyparis thyoides 12.00% 320 32.4 47
Eastern Redcedar Juniperus virginiana Green 440 24.6 48
Eastern Redcedar Juniperus virginiana 12.00% 470 41.5 61
Incense Cedar Calocedrus decurrens Green 350 21.7 43
Incense Cedar Calocedrus decurrens 12.00% 370 35.9 55
Northern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis Green 290 13.7 29
Northern White Cedar Thuja occidentalis 12.00% 310 27.3 45
Port Orford Cedar Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Green 390 21.6 45
Port Orford Cedar Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 12.00% 430 43.1 88
Western Redcedar Thuja plicata Green 310 19.1 35.9
Western Redcedar Thuja plicata 12.00% 320 31.4 51.7
Yellow Cedar Cupressus nootkatensis Green 420 21 44
Yellow Cedar Cupressus nootkatensis 12.00% 440 43.5 77
Coast Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii Green 450 26.1 53
Coast Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii 12.00% 480 49.9 85
Interior West Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga Menziesii Green 460 26.7 53
Interior West Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga Menziesii 12.00% 500 51.2 87
Interior North Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Green 450 23.9 51
Interior North Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca 12.00% 480 47.6 90
Interior South Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga lindleyana Green 430 21.4 47
Interior South Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga lindleyana 12.00% 460 43 82
Balsam Fir Abies balsamea Green 330 18.1 38
Balsam Fir Abies balsamea 12.00% 350 36.4 63
California Red Fir Abies magnifica Green 360 19 40
California Red Fir Abies magnifica 12.00% 380 37.6 72.4
Grand Fir Abies grandis Green 350 20.3 40
Grand Fir Abies grandis 12.00% 370 36.5 61.4
Noble Fir Abies procera Green 370 20.8 43
Noble Fir Abies procera 12.00% 390 42.1 74
Pacific Silver Fir Abies amabilis Green 400 21.6 44
Pacific Silver Fir Abies amabilis 12.00% 430 44.2 75
Subalpine Fir Abies lasiocarpa Green 310 15.9 34
Subalpine Fir Abies lasiocarpa 12.00% 320 33.5 59
White Fir Abies concolor Green 370 20 41
White Fir Abies concolor 12.00% 390 40 68
Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Green 380 21.2 44
Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis 12.00% 400 37.3 61
Mountain Hemlock Tsuga mertensiana Green 420 19.9 43
Mountain Hemlock Tsuga mertensiana 12.00% 450 44.4 79
Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla Green 420 23.2 46
Western Hemlock Tsuga heterophylla 12.00% 450 49 78
Western Larch Larix occidentalis Green 480 25.9 53
Western Larch Larix occidentalis 12.00% 520 52.5 90
Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Green 340 16.8 34
Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus 12.00% 350 33.1 59
Jack Pine Pinus banksiana Green 400 20.3 41
Jack Pine Pinus banksiana 12.00% 430 39 68
Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda Green 470 24.2 50
Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda 12.00% 510 49.2 88
Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta Green 380 18 38
Lodgepole Pine Pinus contorta 12.00% 410 37 65
Longleaf Pine Pinus palustris Green 540 29.8 59
Longleaf Pine Pinus palustris 12.00% 590 58.4 100
Pitch Pine Pinus rigida Green 470 20.3 47
Pitch Pine Pinus rigida 12.00% 520 41 74
Pond Pine Pinus serotina Green 510 25.2 51
Pond Pine Pinus serotina 12.00% 560 52 80
Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa Green 380 16.9 35
Ponderosa Pine Pinus ponderosa 12.00% 400 36.7 65
Red Pine Pinus resinosa Green 410 18.8 40
Red Pine Pinus resinosa 12.00% 460 41.9 76
Sand Pine Pinus clausa Green 460 23.7 52
Sand Pine Pinus clausa 12.00% 480 47.7 80
Shortleaf Pine Pinus echinata Green 470 24.3 51
Shortleaf Pine Pinus echinata 12.00% 510 50.1 90
Slash Pine Pinus elliottii Green 540 26.3 60
Slash Pine Pinus elliottii 12.00% 590 56.1 112
Spruce Pine Pinus glabra Green 410 19.6 41
Spruce Pine Pinus glabra 12.00% 440 39 72
Sugar Pine Pinus lambertiana Green 340 17 34
Sugar Pine Pinus lambertiana 12.00% 360 30.8 57
Virginia Pine Pinus virginiana Green 450 23.6 50
Virginia Pine Pinus virginiana 12.00% 480 46.3 90
Western White Pine Pinus monticola Green 360 16.8 32
Western White Pine Pinus monticola 12.00% 380 34.7 67
Redwood Old Growth Sequoia sempervirens Green 380 29 52
Redwood Old Growth Sequoia sempervirens 12.00% 400 42.4 69
Redwood New Growth Sequoia sempervirens Green 340 21.4 41
Redwood New Growth Sequoia sempervirens 12.00% 350 36 54
Black Spruce Picea mariana Green 380 19.6 42
Black Spruce Picea mariana 12.00% 460 41.1 74
Engelmann Spruce Picea engelmannii Green 330 15 32
Engelmann Spruce Picea engelmannii 12.00% 350 30.9 64
Red Spruce Picea rubens Green 370 18.8 41
Red Spruce Picea rubens 12.00% 400 38.2 74
Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis Green 330 16.2 34
Sitka Spruce Picea sitchensis 12.00% 360 35.7 65
White Spruce Picea glauca Green 370 17.7 39
White Spruce Picea glauca 12.00% 400 37.7 68
Tamarack Spruce Larix laricina Green 490 24 50
Tamarack Spruce

Wood has played a huge role is society, many homes are constructed from it and it is extremely important in fuel as well.

Wood also has played many roles in stories and fiction, such as notable characters like Hashirama senju and pinocchio.

The term “Xylokinesis” is used to describe the abilities of manipulating wood as superpower, which is a reference to Xylem, a substance we talked about earlier, found in trees.

Knocking on wood is a popular phrase claiming that doing so will bring good fortune to the person who inflicted it.

Kodama in japanese folklore are spirits that live in trees, and can curse people who cut the tree they live in down, they are seen as mountain gods, and to make sure no one is cursed, shimenawa rope is used to mark trees with a spirit in them.

The ewoks in star wars warship trees from the forest moon of endor

The yggdrasil (try saying that 5 times in a row) is a tree in norse mythology that is believed where all nine worlds (including ours) and everything else exists around it.

Wood is used in many furniture items, and depending on what the wood is, can affect the price of the product greatly.

a normal oak table wood would be a lot less compared to something like an ebony table (dark wood)


Wood plays a huge role in nature as a food source and shelter for many animals that live in forest areas, Many insects including some larger animals such as woodpecker burrow holes into trees or logs, and eat the wood or have offspring inside, as wood acts as a safe place to raise young.

Wood is also food for decomposers who may eat rotting logs, and small animals and scavengers may lives in tree top canopies above the dangerous ground.

the roots play a vital role in preventing erosion, an event where the ground gradually wears away from water, wind, or other factors, which can prevent mudslides and help keep wildlife stable.


Some rare species of trees are able to withstand wildfires using a special coating that is flame retardant

Trees actually cannot die of old age, what kills them is usually things such as natural disasters and insects, which is why some trees can live up to thousands of years in age.

softwood and hardwood describe the leaves, seed types, and structure of trees instead of the actual wood itself.

Trees can emit chemical signals to “talk” to eachother, usually used for warning about pests.

there are around 2,300 thousand species of tree on earth.

As a tree grows, lower branches commonly die, and their bases may become overgrown and enclosed by subsequent layers of wood, forming a type of defect known as a knot.

Heartwood (or duramen[10]) is wood that as a result of a naturally occurring chemical transformation has become more resistant to decay. Heartwood formation is a genetically programmed process that occurs spontaneously. Some uncertainty exists as to whether the wood dies during heartwood formation, as it can still chemically react to decay organisms, but only once.

“Rings” in wood can be used to measure a trees age, the more rings, the older it is.



  • Deals 15% more damage if the target is corroding.


  • Deals 30% more damage if the target is burning.


  • Gives the Bleeding status effect if the attack deals more than 30% of the target’s max health.
  • Deals 30% more damage if the target is bleeding.


  • Deals 30% more damage if the target is scorched.


  • Deals 20% more damage if the target is sandy.


  • Deals 10% more damage if the target is charred.


  • Deals 20% more damage if the target is petrified.


BID: 0.95

SIZE: 1.5

SPEED: 0.7



so uh, thats it for wood i guess lol



What have you done

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Hashirama is interested in your passion toward wood

this man literally told the history of wood and it’s uses…
hats off to you.


Dang, @DubiousLittleTyp0, you must be barking mad. What an incredible place to have your roots.

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Wow percy, who wood’ve guessed you were so good at puns

He wood have been branching out now to better subjects if he wasn’t such a birch.

I have more bark than bite, but I can’t just leave the puns in my head.

sometimes settling your roots in one place is a good thing

Oakay, you’ve inspired me. Fir you, I’ll tree to focus on sprucing one aspect of my life.


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oh no you’ve given me an evil idea…

Dear god no

h y p e r a n a l y s i s o f e v e r y m a g i c b e g i n s

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jesus no

It’s too late now percy…

please just don’t do it man I beg of you