World of Magic 2

i think right after u get flight for the first time it works rlly well as like a short omnidirectional dash (again, according to ur frames which are best when u first join)

but u wont even use it until like level 220 to climb over silent tower rubble for a better position

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First 2 enchants

Stg im getting much luckier in wom2 than wom1 with powerful and hard enchants, not complaining tho

Nobody is running agility builds :cry:


Flight better :person_shrugging:

i got like half an agility build rn but it isnt max yet so gimme crowns to max it and run around with it :pray:

:pray: the day I max out my agility build it’s going to be my salvation

im going to be working on a magic speed build as well cuz magic speed increases flight speed too right?

Im tryna make a magic size set, see how big spells can get

i’m honestly just playing because i haven’t really played wom. my goal basically is just killing the king and getting all the magic stuff i can get.

Im just playing cause i want to play something like AO ;-;

also kinda same, it’s cool having the good stuff, but then when i come across something bad i’m always happy because i remeber it’s gonna be so much better in AO (probably the only reason i can play WoM rn lol)

they have always were…?

try finding a tailor instead lmao, cant find them for sht personally

All i see is smithers :frowning:

all i saw were ANYTHING but the tailor

and then those fcker started appearing abundantly after i dont need them anymore

try metalworkers, i swear i’ve seen every wanted merchant type except for them

yeah they were somewhat rare too, the most common one for me were fisherman

Sunkens have cap of 100 lvl or smth, aren’t they?