World of Magic Keyboard

i am shuddering in disgust rn
no offense but W H Y

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im too lazy to change it

You monster that’s where the self blasts go!

Oh noooo I bind it to E I guess I’ll surrender 10000000 times

You will face retribution

I face him all the time O///O

i used to have it binded to z.

I have my blast binded to every key on my keyboard so I can sleep on my keyboard whilst winnin’ in PvP! :sunglasses::v:

I still do

my keybinds are as follows:
Z = single blast
Q = 4 blast
E = self-explosion
R = pillar explosion (do not ask)
F = jump spell
X = beam

Q: Single Blast
E: Self Explosion
R: Placed Explosion
F: Jump
V: Beam
X: Multi Blast
Z: N/A

My binds:

  • Q = single blast
  • E = upwards high jump
  • R = self explosion ( x1)
  • F = forwards high jump
  • C = placed explosion ( x3)
  • X = beam
  • V = multi blast
    rest i forgor

my binds:

q = single blast
e = self explosion
r = high jump (upwards)
f = 4 blast
c = small single blast
x = idk i dont use it
v = beam

Mines on c

Oh this is back

Apparently so?

I felt like the only one who uses R as their jump spell, so I’m glad I see at least one person with it :blush:

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I do that too, don’t be afraid…we exist.

for me it’s every key BUT q :rofl:
also l is scratched out too somehow

the only matching keybind i found in this thread

Yall have some pretty goofy keybinds fr fr :sleeper:.