q - beam (only on my magma file, its a blast on others)
e - 4 blast
r - placed explosion
v - blast (beam on my other files)
c - high jump
i didnt progress in aa so my keybidns be different
Q - single blast
E - small blast (used to be beam)
R - 4 blast at 20% size
Z - placed explosion, usually single 100% sphere
X - beam or ultimate
C - high jump, forward or upward 100%
V - self explosion, 1-3 100%
F - explosion or ultimate
Q - Blast
E - Self Explosion
R - Placed Explosion
F - High Jump
V - Beam
C - Grab/Mobility
X - Aura
Z - Ultimate Art
e might be my ultimate art tbh i never use small blast
My weapon only file has no blast attack
i didnt even get to post my keyboard thing here tf but yeah here i go
old world of magic keybind / current world of magic keybind
Q - 1 blast / 1 blast
E - 4 blasts / 4 blasts
R - self explosion / 100% upward jump
F - beam / beam
Z - 20 blast / 20 blast
X - 100% upward jump / 50% forward jump
C - placed explosion / placed explosion
V - 30 - 60% forward jump? / self explosion
arcane odyssey keybind (berserker)
Q - 2 smash
E - crash
R - one use upward airstep
F - 1 shot
Z - focus
X - three use forward airstep
C - smash
V - rushdown
i know my keybinds are goofy as hell
I havenāt even played AO and I still wanna clown those Berserker keybinds
Q - Blast
E - empty
R - high jump
F - empty
Z - Beam
X - Self explosion
C - Multi-blast
V - placed explosion
yo R gang.
Also hi rake
Q - Blast
E - Quad Blast
R - Small blast
F - 90% Upward High Jump
V - Beam
C - 20 blast
X - self explosion
Z - placed explosion
Ok so I think I remember them all idk I didnāt touch the game in a year.
Q = High Jump
E = Small AOE blast (more damage)
R = Big AOE blast (easier to land)
F = Self Explosion Circle
X = Beam
C = Quad shot
btw if you have placed explosion as a key bind I will gladly inform you of your lack of skill
Q = Small Blast [ 70% ]
C = High Jump
Z = Regular 100% Blast
hiiii :3
q: 1 100% blast / 1 100% blast
e: 4 20% blasts / 5 20% blasts
r: high jump forward 70% / 2 high jump forwards
f: sphere self explosion 100% / shockwave self explosion 100%
v: placed pillar explosion 100% / 2 placed pillar explosion 100%
c: beam 60% / 2 beam 80%
x: 5 pillar 100% / blast ultimate art 100%
z: 20 blast 20% / speed (maybe power) aura
I would make E a mobility spell if Iām being honest for AO
Q is always a single blast, this is crucial, if you donāt do this, you need to be evaluated.
R is a self shockwave explosion spell
F is placed explosion
C is beam spell
and X is ultimate art
I use c and v as my mobility spells.
why do people have placed explosions
I use r as jump