Worth. Can you prove your worth?

Worth. Am I worth it? Do I deserve it?

Paul was an honest man. He lived a modest life on a rural farm, not far away from the main kingdom. He had a nice dog he would feed and play with, and a nice farm to oversee. He made a decent amount of money, enough to live on at least.

Something was missing.

Pauls only real human connection was every end of the year when he would go to the market and sell his animal meats and fruits. All of Paul’s friends had someone to look forward to at home, but Paul didn’t.

Paul wanted to deserve something. Someone, really. But if there was a woman he found, how would he come to deserve her? How would he come to be worthy enough to even have a real conversation with her? He couldn’t. Paul knew deep down, he didn’t deserve it.

It was then… that an almost poetic push came to him.

One day, Paul was sleeping on his bed, waiting out the rest of the day, when he heard a knock on his door. Paul rarely had visitors, and so therefore, he was pleased.

“Please, wait.”, said Paul, putting on his clothes.

As he arrived at the door, he saw what almost looked like an angel.

“Excuse me sir. Paul correct? I’ll just assume. You have been drafted into the Human Monster hunting military. You are to take post tomorrow morning, at dawn. Your recruitment will last for 2 days, afterwards you will be permitted to return to your ordinary life. Refusal to comply will result in death. If you accept this and survive the 2 days, you will be rewarded with 2 gold coins. Goodbye.”, said the angel, slamming the door shut.

Paul could only stand and watch her leave his doorstep.

The drafting line was long. Monsters hadn’t bothered him for a while, in fact they were only a real problem when he was 14 years old, and his father had taught him how to fight the little rodent-like ones.

Of course, he passed the test, and by some stroke of luck, he ended up on the angels team.

“Finally, a chance to prove my worth to her,”, Paul thought. The first day was normal, going into the forest and preparing camp. However, the second…
Iku eru…oburewa.

It was unbearable.

The god-forsaken screams of men as a giant sharp toothed monster ravaged them. The angel managed to kill it in one fell swoop. Paul tried his best to be worthy, and managed to fend off a couple of the smaller ones. But he was just a lowly farmer, in the end.

Too many zombie-like-wolves surrounded him. At least he would go down with honour and passion.

The angel appeared once more.
“Angel…”, said Paul.
In yet another fell swoop, the angel eviscerated each of the wolves around Paul.
He managed to pry his eyes open, out of fatigue, and noticed her beaming smile.
He knew he didn’t deserve it. He couldn’t help himself but cry. What kind of man lets himself be saved by the woman he loves? In shame, he covered his face.

What a stroke of luck.

A stroke of luck he could not see her face at that moment.

For then, a shark-wolve like monster impaled her, skewering her body. She did not scream.

Paul finished wiping his eyes, and looked at her face.
He tried to tell her he loves her. She was already dead.
What was the point?
Paul stood on his knees. He yielded to death. Yet… what a stroke of luck. At that moment, it just so happened that the shark-wolve had been impaled by 3 men. All that was left were the small ones. The effort was a victory.

Right. A victory.

A victory…

Paul was an honest man. He lived a modest life on a rural farm, not far away from the main kingdom. He had a nice dog he would feed and play with, and a nice farm to oversee. He made a decent amount of money, enough to live on at least.

Paul continued this simple life.

He didn’t deserve her anyway. He wasn’t worth her.
Not in a million years.
“Ohun ti a ọpọlọ ti orire.”




I was kind of in a bad mood when I made this. Maybe I’ll delete it. It’s so edgy.

This whole thing made me sad, but this is just melancholy.