if paper and ink were in the game, wouldn’t savant benifit most from it?
No not really
It probably would be if they could get beams on both Magics. Easy Scribed.
Trying to get Paralyzed, Frozen, or Petrified in combat without imbuement sucks. You have to try with two magics to use them in order before one status runs out.
It’s really just unfun more than it is functional.
the alternative is getting ink explosion then using paper beam(since shockwave explosions have a good aoe from what I can tell with fire/wood magic)
paper conj
not rlly, lightning/water is rlly easy to paralyze with, water snare or beam into lighting one
honestly I think paper conjurer would be really deadly because that’s extremely fast and consistent bleed II, even more consistent than glass.
it’d probably be really good with ileg warlock too…
(…I just got an amazing idea for an OC)
uh oh
I think ink and paper should come back as lost magics but then that would mean you only get one on savant