Would saying WoM pvp is bad mean skill issue?

no, wom pvp is objectively bad.

WoM is a bandit beater.

That sentence should explain everything itself, but in case it doesn’t:

  • You are forced to spam blast spells since literally every other spell will get you killed if you use them.
  • Blocking is unreliable because of the horrendous projectile desync that all of the servers have.
  • You are punished for using anything aside from a meta power build.
  • There is absolutely no variety. The most variety you’ll ever see is someone using wind magic instead of water.
  • Weapons, despite existing, are useless and unreliable when compared to magic (post weapon nerf).

If you still think that WoM combat is interesting, then you are entitled to your own opinion. However, you are also wrong.

It’s also absolute garbage

its only useful if you suck at the game and need to kill captains

Even then, magic is more effective if you know how to cheese it.

i prefer to get up close and use 3 iron 4 blasts and instantly win


Incorrect; World of Magic is a spectacular experience and one of the most highly-ranked games on the Roblox Metaverse in my humble opinion. The reasoning this is as follows:

  • Rusty Can
  • Rusty Can
  • Rusty Can

I hope you’ve sincerely absorbed and took the time to understand the contents of my message, and the ways they counteract your previous statement. I wish that you reconsider and reform. Have a nice day.


Rusty Can moment

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holy fucking shit… i never though about it like that…

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Ok but now pay the $4.48 enlightenment fee

Dang, u right

i believe this will do!

I legit readed that as
“I rusty can certificate”

The only way I could restore just some of the fun of Weapons is sacrificing my Mage Robes for Minotaur Armor (maid outfit if you can’t get it) with my Power Defense amulet set.

I can’t believe I thought WoM would be the best game on Roblox

AO might be an exception


it might be bad but its still realy fun, and its not spam Q alwais it depends on the situation.
Example here
yes i used my Q alot but it doesn’t mean its necessary only that

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