..would you be immortal?

yes im aware this is a popular question.

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

my personal opinion is that i would. im atheist, and smth about watching the universe advance in different ways for eternity is very cool to me. ofc id dislike having family members die and shit, but still i think id be content with them living full lives before passing on.

plus the idea of floating around in nothingness for awhile until another big bang or smth happens sounds very peaceful.

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Religious or not being immortal would be cool asf although it has its fair amount of downsides like let’s say you get trapped underwater does that mean you just keep drowning?


i’d like to be if i can choose when to end, once the sun explodes and the earth is gone there’s not much left to do, i’m mainly interested in how technology and civilisation advances

i imagine it would be pretty painful but youd get out eventually. torture would be pretty effective on an immortal person :sob:

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idk just swim up

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Do we have regeneration as part of our immortality cuz otherwise it’d kinda suck

Would you really get out? What if you sank to the depths of the sea and were crushed to the size of a grain of salt by the pressure?

id say that you heal about as fast as a normal person, but about as quick as someone in their peak age? also id assume you probably stay that age forever.

Well then torture would really suck

ae, same

i would rather do so as a ghost tho, living has too many downsides

hopefully you wouldnt be stupid enough to swim to the bottom of the ocean. i think in this scenario of immortality you can still die by ordinary means…you just dont age?

edit: scratch that, j like anything extreme like being crushed into dust or having your head cut off would be permanent

you’re going to be constantly freezing and suffocating :skull:

eh id get used to it

Although imo the only way immortality can’t suck is with higher regeneration and you don’t age

I’d be immortal only if I get to decide when I’ll die at any moment

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you prob wouldnt age, idk about the regeneration thing tho. youd likely be immune to a lot of illnesses while at the same time be carrying tons of other ones that might be catastrophic.

Not having boosted healing would be a problem though

if I am not a catgirl then I gotta be mortal

why not be immortal long enough for science to make you one?

but I want to meet spongebob bro