Woven Together REMASTERED

That’s tomorrow

We were severely lacking in the boss melter department, everyone brought support/sub-DPS for some reason

nuh uh I’m a glass cannon and I will kill god

Is today like a session zero?

Unlucky, 2nd most memorable moment, 1st of course being shooting frigid point blank

be sure if you do to include Max getting fed up seeing everyone do their magic stuff and just staying up one night trying out some of their old bullshit they used to use back before the inciting incident

oh and also Max falling and getting stuck in a hole thus causing them to lose their fight through disqualification

(you weren’t there for the TAITC glitch invasion event)

(it gave you the “acumen” tower but that tower is bugged rn and it kinda needs a rework)

The past two weeks have been session zero

Who’s gonna tell him the final fight was not a game of tower defense

The ink stain and the hijinks that ensued being fully animated

That ink stain was a f*ckin vibe

my finest work: randomness said that I couldn’t just manipulate what is true, but then I proceeded to change how the entire system worked into rolling a d20 for everything without anyone noticing.

Wdym bro

I was chaining the neutron star tower hotkey ability like crazy

and I remember @WarmWater using the true damage buffs (which was mandatory to bring since the boss had the most immunities in the game)

you are correct i didnt notice, i thought there were just two different types of fight

I just decided to roll for my roleplaying with that stain, and then I did it for two other people that were describing their actions

it then stuck

I’m getting so nostalgic, FC2A was how I made 90% of my forum friendships, probably more

Anyway back on topic

right what was the topic again what were we doing

idek lets just talk about wt while i put critical role on in the background

ok so at what point do we learn of/get to make those deals with that seamstress

Ah yes, the binding vows