Woven Together REMASTERED

@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 16

Skibby starts looking for Gabriel because he feels like it :man_shrugging:

Gabriel somehow bumps on Skibby

“Oh hi Skibby how are you doing?”


“Good :+1: I’ve been trying to interweave but they all seem to be failing :person_shrugging:

“Would you be willing to try with me? If it works you could ask Kristen to repat it”


Now having done another interweave, she goes back to see if Billy is still busy or not

-Byran also decides to try to find Billy for the sake of an idea that he got while thinking about socks randomly

-Yuna decides to look for another Punchweaver

leif puts up a message on Threadditt saying he’s looking for a punchweaver to interweave with and is offering 350 threads for him to keep it.

-They notice the message and are willing to help.
(where are you?)

uhh librarry ig


-Yuna walks over to the library, guessing that’s where the sender is.

Leif sees you.
“hey. Did you see my threadditt post?”

“Yeah. Also, which IC member should I ask to watch?”

a crack forms upon a pristine surface.

time feels like it’s stopped ticking.

“arcadio, I guess. He’s the only one I remember tbh”

“Okay, I’ll go look for him.”
-Yuna walks away and starts looking for Arcadio.