Yeah? Just trying to visit Horace, why do you ask?
-Byran has just been ignoring everyone.
Yeah? Just trying to visit Horace, why do you ask?
-Byran has just been ignoring everyone.
I dunno but these vines are delicious so I don’t think he needs food
But I got him a cookie! Besides, it doesn’t look like he has any water, so I have a glass here for him.
The entire building is currently covered in water and his tie produces it
Do you really expect this weirdly coloured ice to be potable? Or that tie of his?
Besides, he hasn’t came out of his room for a while.
“Well he’s clearly getting sustenance from somewhere, I elect we force our way in there and see what he’s doing”
I’ve been bringing him some water and food every day.
But I must admit, I’ve been getting a bit annoyed. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a door to unscrew.
You guys might need to collectively break down the roots
They regrow fast but together, maybe you’ll pull through
“It’s worrying…”
Zoe gets her medkit out
“We may need to force our way in…”
-Byran begins to unscrew the door.
-A combined roll of 100 by Byran over the course of people talking will open it.
@discobot roll 1d20
I attempt plantweaving a gap between the roots
gonna go for like 30 min btw so like note that the door will not be going anywhere for now. You can keep talking, I’ll roll for each post when I get back.
Before warmwater finishes, I just steelweave the screws out of their sockets
I don’t think it’s ever been stated that you can manipulate real things with a weave form of it
Yall going nowhere with this
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