At any point outside combat OR during Prime Bosses you may take a recovery break, and you roll 2d20 - one for health and one for fabric. Both rolls multiply by 5 and that’s how much you recover
syk is this correct I wanna know what I should try doing rn
It is indeed correct, tomorrow (day 1) will be packing and preparing
can I start now
No sorry
oh dear
my timezones fucked rn so this may get annoying
I suppose I’ll just start writing a draft then
My parents sobbing as I’m escorted to the van to the concentratio- lovely most likely long-term school campus as I’m in cuffs and the people taking me are in military outfits with guns (they are raidi- escorting the prisone- students in the neighborhood who have been discovered to have awoken a weave)
These lexicon people sound like villainous individuals
are these cuffs we’re wearing like normal handcuffs with some weaving suppressing stuff or like some bands around each wrist that stop us from weaving or something
Just some bands
They aren’t
They also know the deal they are fine
ok time to get writing
Remember day 1 is before going to train station
I still dont like the bands
Question what province is next to the school on the west side
they aren’t heavy metal shackles with chains?
Are we counting Inner Provinces (the ones you aren’t from
Oh I mean the ones we can pick from
They’ll be applied if anyone starts roughhousing