Woven Together REMASTERED

Q2E=n’t Yw==urrently, no IQw== memYg==ers down here

What is the wall made of?

“We’re underground right? are the walls made of equilibrium”

can we interweave while we’re falling?

we’re three thousand feet underground, I don’t think we can minecraft our way out of this one

Success, and it’s not even combat!

You have to stop to do it though, meaning LSD are catching up

Does equilibrium conduct heat

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are there more elevators then?

At the end

There is one for you all to go up

wait a minute, those sods have armour but why don’t we just drop the roof on them if we really need it?

“Byran, lets get to the elevator. provide covering fire from there!”

I run

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 14

-Byran runs.
@discobot roll 1d20

please don’t be a Byran Roll :tm:

:game_die: 8

You come to a crossroads. Left, straight, or right

AkyrOS, can you calculate which way to go based off airflow?

I create 3 nat 1 waveforms to scout

Gabriel tries to be a sneaky little bastard and uses fogweaving to somehow catch up to the rest even tho there is ton of LSD after everyone

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 8