Now that it’s been like almost a week since weve started the staring contest, I attempt to initiate a conversation with the ic in order to break the silence
“Hi guys we thinned a bit of your av population for you feel free to thank me later”
Now that it’s been like almost a week since weve started the staring contest, I attempt to initiate a conversation with the ic in order to break the silence
“Hi guys we thinned a bit of your av population for you feel free to thank me later”
Gabriel walks up to that one flameweaver whose name I never got and dont even really know if he even exists but yeah, He walks up to that npc
“Sure i guess-?”
(I don’t think i owed you anything?)
-Given that it appears that Billy’s intimidation has convinced the IC to allow people to interweave, Byran thinks of an idea that he had been thinking of earlier, and decides to go ask Billy for something.
“Abacus, my friend! You got some time???”
(I got no memory for the names; a tab with them would help a lot)
also im dreadfully sorry you lot, i was playing doors (died at 100 on not five stars god DAMMIT)
try out pressure one day
oh i have
i enjoy it, but i prefer doors
there is actually a pressure song in the woven together ost later on
naturally i finally get round to sorting interweavings and then more pop up… tomorrow then ig, after i’ve kicked off act 2
“Really? Right now? …Fine.”
The ice is cracking.
nuh uh we’re still in a week-long staredown with the IC
We’re totally winning btw