Bro whos blood are we spilling in this school
Welp time for day 2 diary in a few hours
I dunno but supposedly the endgame will satisfy my deicidal urges so uhhhh
sir these are schoolchildren who’s palms are we fucking crushing
Who said it was you spilling blood
Who said it was you crushing palms
I hate metaphors
They’re spilling our blood???
No more questions!
Is the “creed” a reference to morock creed from the hit Roblox game arcane adventures???
The Lexicon have arrived in Thirteenth Province and collected some students.
Among them were Billy Ray Joe (@Mr_hyperspace), Arkenheilor Ferzorik (@Archenhailor), and Gabriel Banks (@ItsNotMe).
The train is en route to Fourteenth Province
Skittle don’t kill me
Wait so you are telling me the drug dealer and terrorist were at the same train station
Maybe, why
no reason its just funny
I think its cuz me and the boys playing assadsins creed is the answer
Okay gtg so train will be quite late to Fourteenth anyway bye
Idk maybe the part where the 20 year old Byran Stevenson is pitted against 13 year old students
The Lexicon have arrived in the Fourteenth Province and collected some students.
The train is en route for Fifteenth Province.
The Lexicon have arrived in the Fifteenth Province and collected some students.
Among them was Leif “Loki” Stofferson (@Raimon).
The train is en route to Sixteenth Province.