Woven Together REMASTERED

Gabriel decides to explore the school, still wondering how he ended up here out of all places possible before stumbling onto the kitchen he accidently ignited before.

How many people per house/dorm room @Sykadelik

Up to four

I attend the party.
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Zoe gale heads to the library

Aoife feels a bit lost, so follows Zoe to the library. They then ask if Zoe wants to share a room with them, as she looks like a friendly person

“Oh- uhm, sure-?”

I stand in the middle of the hallway thinking of where to go, looking at a map
"Where do I go?

So far, you’re the only one to show up, other than Gale. “Hey, John,” she says.

The librarian, Liza Vespen, greets you on your way in. “Hi, you two. Anything you’re looking for?”

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Leif goes to his dorm room to pick up his stuff, then he goes to the House Grothia common room

Gabriel looks at the kitchen with visible black smoke coming out; however, he decides to ignore it since someone should have already noticed it before. He heads to the library in order to find some map of the surroundings for his grand plan

Metalweaving dreams have been crushed image

You find a map of the School and only the School. Also, some Waterweaver went and fixed the problem of fire.

Okay sorry for getting these two the wrong way round.

Anyway you find Barb Everhart and Will Nguyen waiting there. “Hey,” says Will. “You that Leif kid Josephine met?”


“Uh- i mostly came here for the quiet- but i guess i could also look a bit more into the inter weaving stuff- like- some of the more- unique- higher tier weavings-?”

“Hmm, well there’s a book on Interweaving here.” Liza hands you a book called The Thread Of Our Hearts: A Guide To Interweaving. “There probably won’t be much on higher Weavings, but you can have a read.”

“A-alright, thanks!” Zoe Gale then opens up the book and starts to read into it

Okay so the reading system is that I tell you what the book says in a DM. Give me like ten minutes

Speaking of books, can I go to the library too? I wanna see if there’s anything on how to get metalweaving

Sure you can go. (note: there won’t be)

I ask the librarian for any books relating to other people who’ve interweaved to something closer to metal and what they’ve used to get to it