Woven Together REMASTERED

“fair point”

ok, made it

Mission failed, no fire that punches people for me :pensive:

The offer still stands for anyone else who feels like trying to get a t2

Gabriel, without any better idea of what to do with his time, decides to go back to the fishing bay and hopes to catch some nice fish.

Skibby Dee see’s this and as being a water weaver decides to go

(what weaving do you have?)

out of curiosity, how come you dont need flameweaver

“Oh hey it’s you, here to take me up on the interweaving offer?”

I don’t particularly think 2 fire will get me closer to metal

“Yes, I have waterweaving”


“Id be willing to bet we aren’t gonna get much out of this, still worth a shot. You can choose the inner circle member.”

“Idk, maybe Merida”

Alright send the dm

remember to add me

Does the inner circle member make a difference in interweaving?

not rlly

theyre just there to make sure it’s done safely

and as an excuse for me to be there so i can say the result

oh yeah I think I’ll write this just to let myself not pay attention

-Byran heads off to their dorm room, and begins to just rest and take inventory of what they have.