Woven Together REMASTERED

Thank you for that

Naroi heads to the library because she wants to. You can’t stop her.

Gabriel spent enough time fishing to get a nice marlin even tho they dont live so close to the shore (he for sure didnt steal it)


Idrk what you want

“Sorry, not possible.”

“I see. Thank you.”
I leave.
I once again

Zoe Gale finally leaves the zen part of the garden

she starts to look around for anyone that would like to interweave with her (she has Flame)

Will, Josephine, Abacus, Monica, Angeline, and Ima’thu are all already sleeping.

Therefore you’ll have to wait for players

While looking around for people I see someone. They have a look in their eyes. Like they want to interweave.
I walk up to them.
“Hello. Do you want to interweave?”

Right somehow that feels rigged

“Uh- yeah, i’d like to give it a shot”

Peer pressure tactics

the hell, you have wind



Oh sh*t mb

right tmrw ill go fix every mistake i made based on that

Montague is testing their hoverboard around a parking lot, looking good for now