Woven Together REMASTERED

Oh, that’s, quite literally, sh*t

Anyway gn

I stare at the dead tree, its stump only there

“Why n’ust this trigger thoughts”

Leif walks up to @Mr_hyperspace. “You found any t2 weavings yet?”

Oh no, you said the trigger phrase


How did I miss this notification for two hours

“Tier 2 weavings total or tier 2 weavings I am currently in possession of?”

A Mysterious Invite

Many flyers have been put up around the school, and you all eventually find a copy of it.

“Come on down to the Cross Stitch Society! We’re a secret group who spar with each other using Weavings, and we’re always looking for new members. Yes we are secret the staff never check flyers.”

“Hosted by Monica Lenue, this year’s co-host is Ima’thu Smug. Meet us at the training garden at 8pm GMT for the first spar of the year!”


Excellent, we’re already nearly at the point the original WT got to

-Byran spots and considers the invitation.

-He’s been struggling with writing the self defence parts of his book, so this ought to be a good opportunity.

I back into the school and see flyers being put up, I up to one and take one of the flyers

“Interesting, there’s barely anything going on around here. Maybe I should go”

Kristen goes back to their providence to rest for today (My timezone)
Dairy Day Two

Wdym goes back to their province

Oh wait I misread

Arkenheilor reads this.

“Hm… Interesting. Fighting sounds cool. Why not give it a shot?”

Naroi looks at this with excitement since she wanted a place to sell names and this seemed like the perfect venue. She ran off to climb trees in excitement

Oh you’re actually doing the name selling thing ok

She was also going to sell frisbees but someone would only let her bring two

What is “selling names”?

Welli can explain

I read the flyer: “Sparring? I’ve done it once some years ago in a fighting class. I got hurt, but I think this’ll be fine.”
(Before this I had rested, restoring some fabric)
@discobot roll 1d20