Woven Together

I make a small flame I my hand that’s been coated with my blood from the tiny cut I made on my arm + older wounds.

does anything change?

it hurts a bit… but, the pain quickly disappears thankfully.

No, the way of doing it is called Seamspeak.

Throughout the course of the whole game, you may make one deal with the Absolute Seamstress for something of your choice. However, you must also make a personal sacrifice


well that was disappointing.

I guess I’m not ready to utilize the wounds I cause to myself when casting my attacks

So hypothetically you could Seamspeak for this whole pain power thing, but you’d have to sacrifice something else.


I already am sacrificing blood theoretically for every attack I cast

If you do it, do it in DMs on the forums

Okay the minimum HP that will take you to is 5 btw because I can’t have you dying yet

Oh, cool, I get something from losing HP.

I assume it’s like a small damage buff to my rolls?

Remi goes outside to practice his Punchweaving and eventually create a moveset

I’ll boost your Aggression

I grow stronger.

My clothes do not.

my sleeve is about to wither off from the charring

what time is it?

Idek what is happening in this one

I thought we were roaming around the campus and experimenting with our powers

The experiment bit is optional

Zoe is going outside to practice with her abilities, going to mainly just be attacking the air and moving herself with her flameweaving. (first roll for mobility to get to a open space a lil quicker) @discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 5

guess she’s gonna tumble when she tries to speed up

Let’s test the air resistance

@discobot roll 1d20