Woven Together

Idk what to do so Gabriel just gonna go fly his fish

:game_die: 20, 3, 20

Absolutely obliterated. Please don’t do that again it was hard to calculate

I don’t think I’m having any luck with finding my house…

I’ll camp around the training site and keep using my sacrificial flames since, I dunno what else to do with my time anyway.

Every House has been assigned. I’ll be back soon

I ewafve

Zoe is now at the Kenos common room, going to more around the different areas in her assigned house

Me in my silly little coat exploring my silly little campus

(the blood’s dried)

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Ishamon stares in disbelief at the space that was formerly occupied by wood, shocked by both the strength of the attack and how he pulled it off on a first attempt.
“I’ll make sure not to use that during spars…” He finds himself whispering.

(If they ever actually encounter Zoe, she will probably attempt to patch up all their wounds)

A glowing pair of letters appears in front of Emery as they sat beneath a tree to think. “House Astroskoni” glimmered under the shade.

“Oh. This must be what they meant by our houses.” Thought Emery non-chalantly, paying more attention to the morning dew on the leaves than the bright letters. It hovered for a moment before giving them a “lick” with flames to spite their attention. A warm and calm flame faded away to embers, taking with it the letters.

"What…am I doing? I’ve come this far. I’ll just make do with what I have. Like always." Emery resolved to master their gifts.


I decide to head towards my house after around 10 minutes of wandering (Kenos), and look around.

All of these faces are unfamiliar, and despite my cynicism, they feel unfriendly.

Best be careful, maybe it’s because of how I look…?

most intelligent opticalcord post

Second of today’s occurrences is later

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I think Gabriel should train or something, pet is more important tbh

Never mind we’ll sort it tomorrow, let’s have another freestyle evening tonight. Do what you want y’all!

Zoe is just looking around her house, Kenos, trying to get a sense of the layout to know the place better

Fargo enters the house of Kenos after giving up exploring the school grounds

“Of course I find my path before I even learned how to get to the school-yard.”

I try to find something interesting in the Kenos house, most of the people here make me uneasy, but maybe there’s something to distract myself from the outside world?

(as well as something to distract myself from the pain I feel from my ability currently…)

After finding some and sitting at a desk, he’d proceed to try and flip its page by using wind with his magicweaving.
Targetting a page: [Wind mobility] @discobot roll 1d20