Woven Together

what should i do

Idk go to your common room and hang out with the rest of House Mana for a bit (if they’re there)

ok guess i do that

if aberrations are literally just slightly more unique powers I don’t get why more than 5 exist

it’s not like it’ll cause any world breaking event, worst case scenario you can always do some rebalances

nobody’s gonna aberrate into some sort of ridiculous omnipotent god I’d assume (if that was possible then that’s a whole other can of worms)

Lore-wise, it is possible.

The tier 15 weaving aberration that one of us is going to get (it’s better than the inner circle’s tier 11):

but also i allowed you all to seamspeak once which can be anything (within reason) so that’s the tradeoff

There’s also a 14 and a 12

Along with a 10 and a 7


We’re cooked.

No real risk though because I’m a Class 5 Supreme Being in this universe and I f*cking said so

y’know considering how powerful aberrations are supposedly I kinda feel like getting seamspeaks is more or less just like giving a soldier an extra pistol and telling them they’ll be fine (the pistol can’t even puncture through most armors)

Born to progress forced to gamble :frpensive:

What has he discovered as of late?
The fishing bay, the cafeteria, the yard, and his dorm house.

Unsastisfied with these findings, he decides to speed things up by making himself faster with a combination of water and wind cast from his magicweaving.
Targetting self: [Water&Wind mobility] @discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 8

You’re now going 14.4x your normal speed

Zoe Gale is now at the garden, taking a small look around

Ok I may as well head to the training area and just start grinding my powers again

RNG is fun and all but my hard work will surely pay off through sheer firepower (literally)

The CSS meeting is at XX:30 so if you’re there at the time you’ll be seen as a joiner

I head over and find a bench with the area this stitched club is meeting at in view