Wraithel's DarkSea Wares (closed until further notice )

Wraithel's DarkSea Wares (closed until further notice ) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/8/0/80f9df55e9db579c66f1117fb581ee21713292b2.jpeg
convenience 4.333333333333333 3 fairness 5.0 2 trustworthiness 5.0 3

by desperate, i meant that i keep on asking again and again… and tbh i don’t know either, maybe some of the other scrolls that i mentioned before or some of maria’s weapons?..

How many you want? For the chest plate or pants
I aint got enough for both i think

nah it’s fine that’s not really desperate it just shows you really want it for something,

how many stormsalt did you have exactly? i remember i had the hat not sure about those other pieces

hmm… do you need any of maria’s drops?

what happens when you use one trick monopoly tactic:


Rn i only got 15 i can trade i need them other stuff

i got 5-10 stormsalts and i got some last year eggs

How much for a dense and a tempered?

(Edit 4/20/2024 (funny 420 date): Also interested in a powerful scroll.)

i can do 15 for a theurgist piece in case that was fine with you

maybe the cape otherwise not really

How much for an enhanced and a charged?

Would offering an ardent and a healing be okay for them?

yo wagwan bossy ya got the fishing scrolls?

yeah should be good

tempered i’m not sure you’d have to offer, i used all my denses, and powerful you’d have to really offer

ya boi got those fishi scrollies

Well I just got my tempered and dense.

As for the powerful, how about one armored and one DSE? I could replace the DSE with another item though, like another dark sea exotic scroll (plus some extra galleons if you don’t think it’s enough).

I need a fire\neutral arcanium bracelet

aye, what ya want fer a treasurer