Write down your worst PvP situation ever

As title says, write down (purely for fun) your worst PvP situations you ever had, which would make you scream out of embarassment or fun you got from getting yeeted or something.
I’ll start.

A Lightning + Water Mage hitting me with a Water Javelin and then casting Lightning Surge. He has a Power build (increased damage) and we’re fighting in a structure.

Write down your situations :slight_smile:

A guy kept following me around sameria, despite the renown shield, and just kept bombarding me with ash and lightning attacks demanding that I gave them my reagents and catalysts for pocket change.
I swear it was like they could keep pace and continue attacking with no downtime whatsoever no matter how fast I made distance.

If that guy’s here, you know who you are and you’re a massive asshole.

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a level 75 knight kept trying to kill me for 30 minutes straight


oh yea when I was leveling my second file to 125 to try out sand conjuror way back when, there was this max level sitting in cirrus island trying to farm low levels.
He sucked at the game so badly that I threw him off with a staff grab despite being like level 40.

I leveled up when he reset after hitting the water, free XP!


Did he succeed?

Rough, Lol. But I respect that, I always wanted to throw out some not-very-good people off sky islands, but couldn’t, yet.

I killed a guy that tried to get the jump on me yesterday. He came back, again, again, again, again, and again.
Then he left, joined on another account, and tried again, again, again, again, again, again, and again.
Then his friend joined and tried, again, again, again, and again.
I then left, tired of the shenanigans.

I wasn’t even using a fully enchanted set of armour and did not use familiar, modified, and enchanted weapons (it was on my warrior file) while they were metaslaving their rights away (attack size for the guy, attack speed for the friend).

Enjoy the rewards.:slight_smile:

my drawback did more damage than him so no

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oh that sounds
absolutely terrifying.
i take it you died nearly instantly?

anyways, this one time a level 110 attacked me and my friends who were level 70 or so at Sailors, so i hopped on my main file, killed him, he came back on HIS main file, i killed him again, he called in backup and i killed BOTH OF THEM
they were both talking trash the entire time too before they left.

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I got killed by a person who used only bows

Yep. No way I could survive THAT thing, even on max level XD.

It’s almost always satisfying when such people get what they deserves, even if it’s a game. Good job. :slight_smile:

Not really a big problem, Bows always were a nightmare to deal with, at least for me, considering their damage and my awesome blocking skills lol

the time i got spawnkilled in jail by an assassin

it was fire conjurer (me) against size magma mage and size warrior too
like how the fuck did i win that :sob:

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Size magma??? Bro what😭
There’s no way they could lose like that

  • Tried to take down a raging Leaderboard player with a group. It failed, but I gained a newfound appreciation for their boss-level build.
  • Got attacked by three Navy players as an Assassin. I killed two of them, and the third fled.
  • Somebody in Ravenna was attacking people with Rushdown and Snare despite the Renown Shield. Switched to my Assassin and killed him off, then got told to log.

ive had to fight agilityheads like 5 times
i started none of them keep in mind
they just trackstarred cross sameria
the one thing i hate about the pvp toggle is agil not being removed due to it

i dont want more 30 minute fights :broken_heart:

Size mage using poison magic and plasma with a completely maxed out build would come to my clan’s islands, absolutely microwave everyone while lagging everyone inside the clouds out severely, claim the island, immediately unclaim, and had positive renown so you couldn’t even retaliate unless you had a bounty. I still want to wring their neck for that.

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Fought a knight with a shield siren bow and a sunken sword. Best blocker I have ever fought, I don’t think I managed to get an attack off without getting punished once.

Chr0malux :skull:

when hostile players interrupt me when I’m bounty hunting NPC criminals. I don’t even have the right equipment to face them at that specific moment.