Wtf is going on

Around this afternoon right before I got out of school I was messing with a song i’m writing digitally. I couldn’t get any progress because I couldn’t tell which notes were which for some reason.

My parents call and the ringtone sounds out of tune. The music in the car sounds out of tune.

I went home, and listened to music, but literally every chord sounds like it’s from a horror movie. It’s not just electronic devices and stuff, the clock sounds like it’s drunk.

Idk what’s going on but I hope it’s not permanent. Btw I have perfect pitch so I can tell when things are out of tune, which is pretty unfortunate :fr:


You on a horror game now
Start grabbing everthing you see



I think this is it???

Oh i see
Its already too late

Basically, I can identify a note I hear or sing a note i’m given or know when a note is off tune (kind of)

Which is apparently perfect pitch stuff (?)

And now i’m hearing everything off tune lmao this kind of sucks, can’t listen to music without being heavily annoyed

I just found this funny as it’s a joke about how people with perfect pitch always make it apparent that they have it. I know it’s apart of the post but I still find it funny ;-;

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I’m not trying to be cocky, i’m mentioning it because that might be a reason why this is annoying to me

I’m not even sure I have perfect pitch, I just know that I have some traits of it that others don’t have. I’m not great at tuning though, most of the music teachers i’ve had are better at that. I knew a lot of them also had it though

Funny how it might make my situation worse here.

I’m sure it’ll resolve eventually. If not, i’ll spontaneously combust

i dont even know that a thing like “perfect pitch” exist but i hope it’ll get better for you soon

It just lessened a lot in intensity, but it’s still there a little bit

My right ear is hearing normally, and my left is hearing notes a little bit flat, which obviously makes issues for listening to music, especially since I can tell when i’m hearing it off tune

congrats you are now tone deaf

you will never be able to experience music well anymore


it’s okay man we got you :frpensive:

It went away

Who knows if it’ll come back

D I E S ㅤ I R A E

you are in horror rom hack

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unintelligible screech

god’s haunting you for the lack of odyssey feed threads
