Y'all think Array is gonna be useful at all?

Classic forums, arguing about something they seen 2 seconds of and have no context to how it actually works.

playing super aggressively with a fast magic doesn’t mean u have to run towards them in a straight line and go close range bro :skull:

which is why i’m saying it’s op on fast magics with arrow shape :man_facepalming:

dude i honestly don’t get how people fail to see how the AUTOAIM and MOVESTACKING spell isn’t gonna be strong in pvp :sob: :pray:

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This guy might be fridgeuchiha2

not that array will even predict player movement…but yes, code could very easily do that, especially on roblox

i mean you could retreat, cast it while being relatively safe, then go closer as you use attacks to hopefully have array come at the right time
i dont think its something youd be casting without being hidden or out of range, like aura

how about instead of whining about a spell we haven’t seen all of you wait for the update to roll around THEN share your views :sob:

Except we’ve already seen the spell from Calvus, except now it’s going to be used by actually competent players instead of an npc

  • you haven’t seen it in pvp
  • you haven’t seen it with high substats (size or speed)
  • you haven’t seen it with varying magic affinities
  • you haven’t seen, as the op suggested, how it determines who to autotrack to, especially in instances like fights with multiple people on the opposing side

what the fuck is the definition of “super aggressive” then, hm?

literally does nothing to disprove my point. AO fights are further away, taking place with both players quickly covering long distances at the same time, and also supposedly when both players have a pair of eyes to see someone casting the spell and knowing that they should be prepared for it to start shooting.

bro calls my post “whining” then cites it against someone else? ain’t that a little contradictory for you?

by spamming spells at them…? :skull:

it’s not gonna take 349573463 years for a fast magic arrow shape blast on an attack speed build to travel to their target bro

oh yes, let me spam spells at them while staying a mile away, that’ll ensure my Array will hit them square on.

Close any kind of distance? That’s exactly what the other guy would want you to do if they’re any kind of build that I mentioned earlier. If they’re long range like a mage, they can just zone you and give themselves plenty of time to react.

Don’t strawman me you little shit, building off what I said, not only is there longer distance in play, but there’s also the fact that players are dodging and flying in every which way during a fight at different intervals, which makes this spell very hard to aim for a bunch of code.

you can still close distance while staying out of their close quarter abilities range

it will prevent them from easily punishing your aggressive play because of the auto aim ability

it literally doesn’t matter because endlag exists, and slow down there why are you getting so worked up all of a sudden

Flash Strike, Crash, Selino, Rushdown, Shot, Mirrored River, Sparrow Thrust, Fury of the Sea, Piercing Gale, and literally any form of placed explosion:

Again, you have berserkers, warlords, warlocks, and others who can deal hundreds upon hundreds of hp of damage in extremely short amounts of time, you think one Array spell is gonna make that trade worth it?

bro puts words in my mouth then is shocked when I don’t like it? I wouldn’t be surprised if you have trouble making friends

apparently all that movement “literally doesn’t matter,” I guess there’s no reason to dodge or move around at all during a fight then.


idk why ur getting so mad over this :skull:
but for your sake, i’ll just say u win the debate ig good job

ah, i was arguing with someone who thinks placed explosions are viable in pvp

wow thats the nicest thing I’ve ever heard you say since talking to you

whatever you say :pray:

Yes, I did call your post whining, you’re complaining about something which we haven’t seen various aspects & uses of outside of King Calvus & the small showcase were given by vetex.

Whilst yes, I did label your post as a critique of something you haven’t utilised, your paragraph where you brought up questions was quite contradictory to the rest of your original post, hence why I felt as if citing it was necessary to point out the nature of your inquisition in my second post in the thread.

It should occur to you very easily which parts of your post I was referring to as whining, and if you can’t take the time to read over what you say, that’s completely on you. :skull:

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