Y'all think Array is gonna be useful at all?

Read the text on the screen. Read the text on the trello. I think they give quite a lot of insight onto these “various aspects” of the spell already.

your reading comprehension is questionable at best.

I express doubt over the viability of the spell → Describe what the spell does → Then question how suitable the spell is for average pvp scenarios in the game. Kind of an easy train of thought to follow, you know.

No, it doesn’t occur to me very easily because for all I know, you could downplay my entire post as “whining” just like a common asshole. Where in your reply did you say “While OP whines a lot, he does bring up some legitimate questions about the spell?” Nowhere.

Assuming I don’t re-read what I spend good time writing and thinking about is hilariously lame on your part.

In the clip they did low damage because the minimum wait time was selected

Also they will be able to hit people who have been grabbed by snare so… unless that gets changed it will definitely be good

Hello good morning just had a nice 7 hour snooze :wave:

If information given by vetex & anyone with TU access gave insight to absolutely everything, surely they’d be finding metas prior to the update releasing, no? That doesn’t happen, and thus I am compelled to believe waiting and seeing for myself is a better way to approach something somewhat new.

Wow! You pointed out the structure of what you wrote!!! Well Done T-34_76.

However, you forgot to consider the connotations of giving discussion after providing a question, you look uncertain. Not a great look for someone who wants to get their views off, don’t you think? I’ve already discussed how your ‘whining’ after these questions is very naive and doesn’t consider everything, further reinforced by your inability to respond to the bullet point list I’d provided several hours ago.

Do you think you deserve credit for having one good thing about yourself alone?

Too bad, because I still think you should take the time to re-read your own posts, plus what you’re replying to so you can come up with some better bullshit. :heart:

My one fear, made a reality

You’re just as shitty as the other guy, trying to strawman your way out. In what way have I even stated that we know everything about the spell already? Exactly. You like to accuse me of not re-reading what I write, meanwhile you’re too much of a bitch to do the same.

Haha, never mind. It turns out you just don’t know how to fucking read.

The whole point of this post is not to argue that Array is bad, because obviously we can’t prove any of that yet. The point is (which you lack the apparent ability to comprehend) is that I express doubt over the feasibility of this spell given what we know already. In no way did I claim we know everything about it as if it’s already in the game, I just said “hey Trello and Twitter vid give us quite a lot to dwell on, and it don’t look good to me.”

So good job wasting your shit time arguing for nothing at all.

Forgive me for this narcissism but think I deserve more credit for hammering dumbfucks like you in the forums into the ground.

Bro forgets that him assuming I don’t re-read my posts is utter bullshit as well. Find medical help kid, the brain reacts poorly to toxic substances like your attitude.


taking “do you like my balls” to a whole new level assuming we can change the shape of the array projectiles

Says the one whining about it.

I don’t even know who you are tone the ego down. :sob:

Although this is a very fun debate I’m having with you, you’re making it very clear that you’re treating it as something more out of anger, are you okay? If something is bothering you you shouldn’t have to suffer in silence and exert your pent up depression as anger towards others because they don’t agree with you on a forum website. :heart:

I’m joking of course, I don’t care about how you feel, you’re a sickly motherfucker with no understanding of how to hold a debate, nor even an argument if you want to call it up with others whilst maintaining composure, you immature little fucker. When that little dick of yours gets upright and mad you hold a tantrum and bring out every piece of foul language poor little T-34_76 can bring out, because surely that can help your argument, right? Not in the slightest, you don’t deserve credit for anything, from the other replies in the thread, I can gather than other users have witnessed you getting mad at them about the contents of this thread, because you act like a little childlike bitch.

The only credit someone in your life, T-34_76, should receive are the ones who lower your coffin and place your gravestone, because the world would be a better place without manchildren like you who can’t hold in their temper.

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LMAO wtf happened here :sob::sob::sob:

whining little boy held a tantrum so i pursued keeping him in his place

The weekly forums argument

I think you’re the one who lowered him into his grave lol

you are both arguing like redditors at this point its a draw

im matching his energy i dont talk like my paragraphs :sob:

Out of curiosity, did you use AI to write this?

go and ai check it yourself i’m not your bitch

Yeah, if you have the balls to call out my temper, let’s check yours out if you’re willing to also spend the time to rant out a paragraph of useless nonsense completely irrelevant to the topic. Guess you ran out of things productive to say, hm?

No, I just chose to ignore what you’re saying and make it about your little temper tantrum, which is seemingly a big problem for you inside the forums and probably outside it too. What’re you gonna do about that, hold another tantrum? :skull:

And what happened to you thinking my response was AI Generated, did ZeroGPT return something like this?

I’m surprised you even know what “tantrum” means, given you rant like a 6th grader.

If you don’t have anything else to say that’s actually related to the topic, you can shut your hole before you deviate too far from the OP and risk breaking one of the rules here. I don’t know what else to tell you, I admit though, I have low tolerance for stupidity.

Nothing better to say besides ad hominem? How hypocritical coming from someone who wanted to point out the same thing to me. :thinking:

You broke the temper tantrum I-pad kid trope and jumped to being a massive nerd? @alexthecat had a point you do talk like a redditor LMAO.

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