Year 8 without Lost Magics

that technically means warlocks, conjurers, and warlords are cooked in lategame
(also paladin I suppose)


Chocolate exiled yummers

It’s very much balanced, there has to be exclusive stuff to pure builds otherwise the only thing they have that hybrids don’t is two lost magics or 1 lost and 1 ancient. I don’t know why people choose the hybrid option then complain they don’t get the pure build stuff ngl

It’s probably going to be in the story or as a side quest tbh

Isn’t Aether magic light so intense it can burn you?

it’s explosive light, and somehow loses the blinding aspect

You mean like ultimate art rare spells and ancient magics?

You mean the lower requirement high tier magic made specifically so that hybrids can get better magic without being a pure build shouldn’t be able to be used by hybrids???


They’re not asking for warlocks to get 2 lost magics or 2 lost fs at once, nor are they asking for hybrids to get ancient magics, fs, or weapon and spirit weapon equivalents. They’re saying warlocks should be able to get 1 lost magic and 1 lost fs by the lategame. That’s not really an unreasonable thing to want, especially since pure builds will still get plenty of exclusive stuff that’s a tier above anyways. If anything it seems like the natural conclusion to the warlock build. To be able to imbue lost magic onto lost fs while pure berserkers get ancient tier fs and mages get ancient magic.


So what do savants get

4 billion imbues

Just one lost thing. Which is to be expected to be honest. Double(or possibly triple? I’ve heard people talk about it but I haven’t personally seen the confirmation if there is any) imbues are already pretty crazy by the sound of it. Plus they get access to hybrid stuff too like strength and eventually arcanium weapons when those come out. I guess if they put nothing into weapons they don’t get any of those, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a strength spirit weapon in the future. At least I hope so.

Sisyphus’s Boulder

All ultimate arts will at some point be accessible to Hybrid builds. And yes i’m talking about ancient magics like the person I responded to, I’m assuming you didn’t read.

Can you not read? I and the person I replied to were talking about Ancient Magics being exclusive, not losts.

No, they were specifically talking about Pure builds being able to have both 1 lost and 1 ancient while hybrids only get 1 lost, which they said was “unbalanced” to which I disagreed.

If I had to wager a guess, Savants either have to focus in on one or two stats to get their lost equivalent, or they just get lost fstyle and lost magic and lost weapons later than everyone else

erm actually exotic weapons

spectre wasn’t asking for hybrids to get ancient magics, they were saying they should get 1 lost for both of their stats, such as 1 lost magic and 1 lost fighting style

i’d recommend making sure you can read yourself before criticising others on it


Infinite Imbues at once
Spirit arcanium strength weapon

This is totally real information