Yes or no?

Do you need (super)nova or does cloud condense/dark sea essentia/(great)burst also work?

use pinecones

Unsure bit just use pinecones since its a cheaper alternative

No not use pinecones,Use The clams

Whats clams gonna do though?
Itā€™s easier and safer alternative to use pinecones + I donā€™t think consumables make you bleed in the ocean

No,i ment make yourself bleed

Drop blood = sharks

Unfortunatly there is no such thing as dripping blood logic in AO

thatā€™s not how it wrorks

Ik,I use sky pinecones

better ig

It better than burst,but i donā€™t know if it does anything

I gtg soon,i need to catch my flight.

I donā€™t think you can spawn sharks if you bleed in the ocean, just use pinecones as it spawns them easily
Also just a reminder: Usually if it isnā€™t your topic (Shitpost topic most likely), please donā€™t seperate your messages by 3 - 5. (Some users here including vetex has that certain problem with it since this really isnā€™t a ā€œdiscordā€)

Sky pinecones just increase the bursting but star coral (IMO) are easier to obtain but pinecones are cheaper and quicker alternative, might as well use those.

Pine cones IS burst

and sky pinecones are greatburst

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